On 2016-03-24 20:13:00 Nikita Spa Management said:
Ps: girls loosing value... implies that if she was working or advertising fullhouse she would have to compete with 200 more girls than in massage but for more money per session. If she remains in massage she works for less money per session and the massage clients that was hunting until they conquered her wont pay the initial extra again ... they move on to go conquer the next impossible mission so she will loose that regular income too. I have seen this happen over and over again. A very busy massage girl can loose up to half her income after the initial shift. Eventually they get quite and ends up joining the fullhouse girls not out of choice but out of need.
On 2016-03-29 15:36:48 RogueRogue said:
Years ago my favourite massage lady in Moreleta CK, said the same thing. Once a MG gives into full house she will lose the client.