On 2025-01-14 16:46:23 Albavg17 said:
How I wish for ESA back in the day when it was a fun forum.
Crazy shit going on these days here!!!!
On 2025-01-14 10:48:19 Megan said:
I pay R250 for my room.
On 2025-01-14 22:21:36 Potatoejetguy said:
To all the ladies who reacted negatively to the R350 budget price for the Bj request.
Kindly move along .. toooodles
Same how we move along if we find a lady's price too high.
On 2025-01-14 01:23:22 Sylvia said:
350. FFS what planet you on freak? 350 for what you asking. You are a disgrace and an insult.
Try the street walkers in Hillbrow they give you for less im sure. And thats a bit of a drive too. ENJOY THE DISEASE WITHIN COUPLE DAYS. SHAME ON YOU. S