On 2016-08-10 17:47:12 Fboy said:
Had a feeling HOE might be like that. Was really hoping not. (Was waiting for a known punter of colour to go and give us the low down, haha) At least now we know, the TMC club in Kempton looks good for a drink and a session raving reviews and their girls seem open minded, maybe that's a potential place.
On 2016-08-10 21:24:13 QCumber said:
This is certainly not the situation if clients of colour visit HOE. Ive seen chinese, indian, coloured and indian punters there booking ladies when ive been to this establishment in the past.
On 2016-08-10 16:44:42 dor said:
Was at the Grand not too long ago , entrance was R800 and if paid with a credit card it goes to R880,definitely not R400 or R600