On 2017-02-28 14:02:32 Sage said:
Mia best take the personal information down
You are at risk of being banned
This belongs on the private forum
On 2017-02-28 14:11:49 Sage said:
Look on the top right corner of the post.
Click edit then delete the comment and say something like poops or whatever as long is there is no personal information left
On 2017-02-28 14:10:09 Jaco45 said:
Sorry to hear about your ordeal.
Just to throw the cat among the pigeons. When punters get scammed some forum members cry foul and ask for proof to substantiate the
Still waiting for Miss Ruby and crew.
On 2017-02-28 14:17:49 Mia said:
So you saying that it is okay for this to happen as what is good for goose is good for the gander.