On 2017-03-19 14:58:30 BOOBS53 said:
That disabled feature will be a winner !!! 10 of the 20 comments on my profile are of these ladies ... very irritating.
On 2017-03-19 16:22:46 BOOBS53 said:
It seems that the latest comments made on any advertiser profile appears on the profiles of gold members. We can only see the latest 20 comments and there are no scroll down function.
On 2017-03-19 16:29:10 martinm said:
The problem is that under the members profile you only get to see around 10-15 comments and two thirds of these are taken up by these 3 twits posting the same absurd thing. ESA needs to take action. Basically we are then unable to see other punters or ladies comments that are actually of relevance!! This is not about restricting people's rights but having ones membership actually working.