On 2017-03-24 16:04:24 ramrod said:
Good luck Meg. Pity I missed out. True what they say: "The early bird gets my worm". Now my worm will have to find another bird to satisfy.
On 2017-03-24 14:34:56 MikeTheMechanic said:
Meg dit vat balls om so n besluit te maak en daarby te hou! Ek weet jy gaan sommer baie suksesvol wees. Sterkte! Ek hoop regtig ek sien jou binnekort!
On 2017-03-24 16:31:34 Chasidy said:
Congratulations meg... hope all works out well . What ive learned about you is that u make great success of anything u put your mind to..