On 2017-03-31 12:33:42 KICKASS said:
So I will definitely behave myself and this time it's about parties and sex.
Dear Kick
At least you have confirmed that you will behave, which is a positive start.
Just so we have transparency with you, as you can see you are most loved by fellow forum members. What you dont see are the complaints made to ESA by those parties who do not like you. Grammar, inane comments, childish behavior over serious topics.
Further many, many complaints saying you get free services/discounted service in exchange for reviews. While for you this must be amazing, for us and your fellow forum members it is not so great because it completely undermines the review system for all. The ladies you review, forum members who depend on accurate reviews to stretch their punting penny.
Ladies while kick is a great guy, its general knowledge on this forum by veteran punters that his reviews arnt credible, so giving him a free service to improve your business isn't really going to benefit you.