On 2017-05-09 14:51:39 Chasten said:
just a personal gripe!!
What is it with the fascination and overuse of hastags on sites like this where they have absolutely no use.
On 2017-05-09 15:43:31 Chasten said:
granted this is a sex site but, if I look thru the subjects on the General Forum - not everything is about sex. sorry is that all we are allowed to discuss on this particular forum.
believe me, I'm not in the least upset.
Nor surprised!!!
you are one of the worst culprits of the hastag on this site so your response is understandable.
I've absolutely no doubt that we are now starting to bore all other currently on this site - this is no place for personal/individual arguments
I concede - you win! (you do seem a much much nicer individual in person however - ???)
On 2017-05-09 15:58:20 Chasten said:
No, but I,m sure everybody else is.
no more from me -- yes I'm quick in everything I do!!