[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-04-21 22:46:06

Wait for the water shit to hit the fan. Nomvula's department is bankrupt, she of the tirade that Zuma is best thing since sliced bread. That is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Water Boards managing rthe regions' water is where the big monies are disappearing.

And I wonder how many of you knew that Dudu, yes the same one that is busy screwing SAA into oblivion, is the chairperson of one of the Water Boards in KZN ?

Just imagine what is happening there ?

[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-04-21 22:52:48

Someone mentioned on another thread that property is wonderful etc etc. I remember getting a bond at 25%, and that after I got someone to invest first. Why, because the cost of money was sky high. Why ? Because the Apartheid Regime could not borrow freely on the open market. This was some time ago.

Sound familiar ? Same thing is going to happen here. SA will not be able to borrow in the open market at competitive rates. Why not ? Because of the upcoming Moody's downgrade to junk bond status.

That is just one factor. The exchange rate will fall. And one of the measures to stem the tide would be to increase the repo rate. Dramatically.

Property bond payments can more than double. Reposessions follows, and a major downward valuation in property will follow.

Still so good ?

[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-05-09 21:05:58
Edited: 2017-05-09 21:07:19

We are being inundated with references to the new economic revoltion that must take place. What is it ? Malikane's doctrine is to nationalise everything. He is Gigaba's main advisor on economic policy. And Gigaba goes and tells everybody that the Gov will stay with the current system.

Opposites if ever there was one. And they don't attract.

Who is Gigaba ? He is the doos that build Nkandla. Who better to use than your builder to open up Treasury for you. Because you know he will do it. He build your house. What does he know of the economy ? Nothing. Listening to an academic that spews forth ridiculous ideas, even acknowledging that the monumental Venezualan fuckup is what we will be heading into.

Apartheid was decades ago. Don't use that excuse and white monopoly money to deflect from the worse looting of state coffers in history. Which is ongoing. As soon as we find out about one, 50 others are already in motion.

Don't say that poverty is the result of apartheid. Do you think that poverty is primarily a SA problem ? Every country in the world has poverty, even the First World countries. It is a global phenomenon, not restricted to SA.

The laws regarding procurement has been changed ages ago. White companies CANNOT do business with Government, they are excluded. The fuckup now is that oversight has been lost, and everyone is jumping on that gravy train.

That train is dead on time, many souls are on the line, Oh Lord, Zuma's driving the train....
Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2017-05-09 22:59:12

The exchange rate has already deteriorated in anticipation of another downgrade.
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-05-12 15:37:16
Edited: 2017-05-12 15:41:13

Allow me to piss bitter tears :

As soon as Lynn Brown stopped Brian (Saxonwold Shebeen) Molefe's R 30 million payout, Eskom goes and appoint this doos back in his old position, that after he resigned in tears because he got caught out by Thuli.

He should thank Ben Ngubane, his old ally from Transnet days. They were instrumental in signing the abortive "loco"-motive deal and collected the commissiions. Both then went to Eskom, after they proved that they can deliver for zumdoos.

Ben got him back again. How in God's name can that even be allowed to happen ? Even the ANC spokesperson asked that question. Shown a divide between the ANC and the zumpoos.

Wait for the next court application. zumdom will be in court every week.

This drives me to drink, and it is in heartfelt anger that I will be drinking excessively tonight to forget about the latest insertion into my already fragile asshole.

How much more can we absorb ?

Happy weekend. I will be resting in Bacchus's arms oblivious of everything.

PS : I am desperately trying to get a worse swear word than P..S, can anybody help ?
Vanilla - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
23 Mar 2015
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Posted: 2017-05-12 21:11:35

So this is why I don't see Pieterd anymore, deleted profile. The man has a witty sense of humor, I truly enjoyed reading his posts.

And Chmoks also went all silent on the forum, I hope the remaining few who contribute do stay and not leave.

julian - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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28 Sep 2007
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Posted: 2017-05-13 08:35:10

@i never learn agree with your post to increase state revenue.

Add 3) start monitoring the minibus taxi industry by forcing them to go the credit card-debit card route or something similar.
Right now they resist all attempts at any form of electronic payment because they are paying minimal to zero tax .
All the cash goes straight into the back pocket.

This government is scared to tackle the lawless taxi industry that's why they drive like idiots endangering all on the road especially their passengers.
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-05-13 17:38:34


Your suggestion is a good one, and one that could have been implemented year ago. The hardware and software is available, plus the issuing of cards to commuters is a simple exercise. The big stumbling block in this endeavour was the drivers. They handle all cash, and by taking that away from them, leave them only as drivers, and not little gods in a minivan.

Did you know that they budget every day for a pomp during lunctime, as well as a steak per night when they leave ? Little kings.

Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2017-05-14 07:18:17

'Twon't happen, try as you might.
.....and withal, be he who he might who tries to make the taxis pay income tax.

Back at the ranch you will be hounded to death for any outstanding taxes, penalties and interest.

The thing about South African politicians compared to other countries is their utter barefaced shamelessness.

Nie fok man !
Wish I could have R30m for 18 months "work".

Makes me weep.

[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-05-14 09:05:28

The reason why winter in coming: It works like this..... The earth revolve around it's own revolution in a 24 hour period. THEN.... (contrary to popular belief)...the sun don't revolve around the earth...BUT..the eart revolve around the sun...takes about 365 days to do the trip. Now....(going to Google the rest first).........
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