On 2017-05-16 07:43:33 Veronica Franco said:
Yikes, @ AN-other, although I applaud your sense of decency in defending us in various instances, I think that it's a little over the top! BOOBS and pantum are well loved members of the forum community and with exception to one or two ladies perhaps, we all take their humor as such. Stop being so serious! I'm sure Pantum or BOOBS would not really insult anyone's mother for real! Insisting on an apology online, then refusing the apology when given because of your insistence that it's not genuine is a bit of a lost cause don't you think as 'genuine' is hard to assess behind words on an online community which is based on fantasy!
On 2017-05-16 07:55:12 Franco 44 said:
On 2017-05-16 07:43:33 Veronica Franco said: Yikes, @ AN-other, although I applaud your sense of decency in defending us in various instances, I think that it's a little over the top! BOOBS and pantum are well loved members of the forum community and with exception to one or two ladies perhaps, we all take their humor as such. Stop being so serious! I'm sure Pantum or BOOBS would not really insult anyone's mother for real! Insisting on an apology online, then refusing the apology when given because of your insistence that it's not genuine is a bit of a lost cause don't you think as 'genuine' is hard to assess behind words on an online community which is based on fantasy!
Hey this is all making sense to me....does this mean....i can add Greek to my limited list of languages ???.