On 2017-06-02 09:43:45 Claudia Gentlemens Delight said:
Being offered points for reviews are far more prevalent than most realise.
I was also offered. Deleted the message immediately.
On 2017-06-02 10:08:05 Minimee said:
On 2017-06-02 09:51:08 GreyKnight said:
Name and shame I say...
Yep..only way its going to stop!
On 2017-06-02 08:18:25 Mia said:
Totally dismayed, I will never do free sex for a review so please stop asking. This is not what the review system is there for. I am busy I do not need your reviews to make my clients happy with my services. I have been offered this now for the Fourth time since my Post. It just reiterates what is goimg on with reviews. Please guy's. I am not begging for reviews or asking juat stating a fact...
On 2017-06-02 09:13:02 Chasidy said:
Dont we all wonder....mia your fees are reasonable and u are beautiful dont let anyone try convince you to do something u dont want to... its your body and your choice to do whatever you want...stay gorgeous beautiful curves missy