On 2017-06-02 19:36:12 Blu said:
I have never left a gent alone in the room. He pays for an hour, I need to make sure he gets his money's worth! Always make sure my bladder is empty, freshen up before he gets here etc.
On 2017-06-02 16:09:32 John_Benz said:
... or go to switch on the hidden camera LOL .... LOL .... LOL ...
(always wonder if some WGs don't do that just for their own viewing entertainment later)!
On 2017-06-02 17:59:07 Lalaa No.1 said:
And some clients also overstay more than 30min...., resting, showering, dressing and on the phone while still at the girls place.....
On 2017-06-02 14:58:05 naver said:
Being a regular to one of the WG'S, I was told that many do "a line" before they entertain a punter.