On 2017-06-21 10:45:12 Minimee said:
Dammn!! You got money!! I got a Award for long Service. Can't do fokkol with that...can't even pawn it...the frame is worth almost nothing.
Congratulations on the 10 years though.
On 2017-06-21 10:52:50 Se_kaas said:
I'm now almost 9 years with my current company. One of the best companies in the world to work for and even in this kak Economic environment we still get obscenely large bonuses. I'm very grateful for this and looking forward to this weekend salary in my bank. And I'm lazy as fuck and 80% of the time don't do shit. Very grateful considering some of my peers in my industry at other companies have to work like slaves and didn't get a bonus for the last 2 years.
On 2017-06-21 10:58:58 lookingforfun29 said:
Apparently I will be getting a certificate... but it won't be framed. I will have to buy my own frame.
I seriously think it's time for a career change in a completely different industry. Been here way to long and tired of being the 'go to guy' when something needs to get done.