On 2017-07-09 15:37:18 Orpheus said:
Of course you won't remember seeing me
You see thousands of guys how can you ever remember me.
On the other hand I remember you for the worst punt I ever had. Like fucking a dummy.
On 2017-07-10 07:52:32 Will_set_U_free said:
On 2017-07-09 15:37:18 Orpheus said: Of course you won't remember seeing me
You see thousands of guys how can you ever remember me.
On the other hand I remember you for the worst punt I ever had. Like fucking a dummy.
Is there a link to the actual review?
Is this type of comment acceptible on the forum?
If he isn't banned for this, can any user copy and paste his comment on any WG profile? (Users have been banned for allot more trivial comments). Is only Orpheus allowed to do this?
Looking forward to your reply
On 2017-07-10 09:07:13 Orpheus said:
You guys crack me up. How can I be banned if I give an account of my experience with a WG. Are you guys dictating how one should write a review. Get a hold of yourselves. And have you seen the woman's comments and opinions about me. But of course you are loyal followers.
BTW RB was not banned. She chose to leave ESA.
On 2017-07-10 08:59:21 Will_set_U_free said:
An other. I don't think this is rudeness. His comment is malicious and a false "review" (if there is no real review). Is Orpheus bigger than ESA? Is he in charge of this site? Is he making the "rules"? Is he ESA?