On 2017-07-28 10:04:28 gary_g said:
I notice that Joy hasn't responded to my question as to what information Veronica was seeking on the Advertisers' Forum.
On 2017-07-28 10:37:17 gary_g said:
Joy already gave information from the advertisers' forum, and made an averral as to what that request was not. Since the information that Veronica made a request for "certain info" is already out on the open forum, I don't see any harm in the content of that request being known.
"Veronica only asked for certain info on the girls form to protect her client legally. She was not interested in Sharon's whereabouts in terms off a hit as mentioned on Sheron's e-mail
On 2017-07-28 12:27:28 frankstar said:
Joy. Jy is so sexy wanneer by so skel. My piepie trek dinner styf hier in my vergadering.