[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-08-18 07:44:58
Edited: 2017-08-18 07:45:18

Tizz, I also think that cheque must have been huge.

This is political. Gerrie is picking his cases. gracie under fire will have to go to court. No way to cover this one up. She will just get a slap on the wrist. They will pay the judge. Cheaper.

Afriforum and OUTA are becoming role players now.

OUTA started off as an organisation against E-tolls and has now morphed into a "social conscience" movement. Wayne Duvenhage resigned from Avis as the anc refused to do business with Avis while he was there. So he is putting his intellect and time into showing us the delinquency of the government.

Dumb fucks certainly know how to pick the wrong ones :

They all come back and bite you.

They never heard the saying : Keep your enemies close.

Interesting days ahead.

[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-08-19 18:58:14
Edited: 2017-08-19 19:00:04

gracie under fire, and now they are cancelling flights between zim and sa. zim air banned in any case from europe because of safety concerns. No wonder, as mug-aab's son-in-law is running the airline. Nepotism in it's purest form.

gracie not seen as they hastily added a "spouses event" just so that they can issue a diplomatic passport to the attacker. Zim is our biggest trader in Africa, so tensions are high.

What to do now ? The dumb fuck hit another woman, that is fact. Eish, those kiddies of her's must be feeling her wrath. Just cut their allowance mommy, they do nothing to further themselves in any case, unless getting frequent visiting points to clubs are considered.

Eish, rob, i have enough shit, sort out your own fucking wife.

Maybe this is a good time to clean up this country. Send all the zimbos back that is residing here illegally, maybe the unemployment numbers will come down, not that the lazy fuckers that are on state support will want to go back to work. Close the border, and do it properly.


[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-08-20 17:58:12

mother fucking model hitter slipped out. cunt never took her foken telge with. vat die goed terug na zim, ons wil nie die goed hiersoe he nie...

GreyKnight - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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10 Jul 2016
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Posted: 2017-08-20 20:24:39
Edited: 2017-08-20 20:30:01

On 2017-08-20 17:58:12 I never learn said:
mother fucking model hitter slipped out. cunt never took her foken telge with. vat die goed terug na zim, ons wil nie die goed hiersoe he nie...

My friend, please don't let these things upset you so...please...

You are one of the most positive people I have ever met and I don't like to see you so upset.

It is no surprise that Grace went back and I don't think anything will ever really come of this. Zumpie will look after his mentor's interests.

Just watched Carte Blanche and they reckon with the money lost through SOE's anually, they would be able to give free tertiary education for more than 6 million students a year.

Tertiary education is such an important thing for the future of this country. Imagine if it could indeed be free! Would be wonderful!

Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2017-08-20 21:23:33

Oh what SA could have been!
....and the sad reality now.
The extreme naivety of the masses brainwashed by the world's Liberal establishment.
Arizona - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
17 Feb 2004
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Posted: 2017-08-20 22:12:52

Ahhh Ben,

Sadly, its not just SA that's been brainwashed. The whole world has been.


[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-08-21 06:33:35

It was just much easier to get the SA brains into the washing machine.
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-09-23 21:07:37
Edited: 2017-09-23 21:12:08

From afar I am looking dispassionateley at the insane ramblings of the ruling anc party and their minions that are trying to stop the leaks in the buckets that are the SOE's, state operated entities, or more specifically eskom, transnet, saa, denel, the waterboards, petro sa.

In bars we sit and discuss the well-known bell-pottinger collapse that has embraced england, and sol kerzner's ex-wife as well. The kpmg fiasco is just coming to the fore with them retracting their reports on Pravin and company. Their CEO hurried to SA to contain the damage to SA alone, before the rest of the world learns of their indiscretions.

Trillian is tainted already, McKinsey will be put to task as well.

But these are the fringe players.

Why are we not seeing the real culprits brought to justice.

Because zuma is a clever mother fucker. He loaded the NPA and Hawks with his own people. Trying to get his idiot ex-wife elected as pressie so he can ride off into the sunset.

His retirement plan fucked now that all banks are closing gupta accounts.

But they will still move the mine rehabilitation funds away, never to be seen again, leavin us to pay for that. They did that already, so it is a mere formality.

The banks had enough. Told gigaba the motherless cunt that the dudu had to leave saa before they extend one cent credit further.
saa needs 10 billion to stay afloat. Not a guarantee, but cash, because that dumb fuck dudu that sucks zuma's dick is not leaving before zuma tells her to. What the fuck has she got on him ? He is a rapist, a criminal, we expect the worst from that thing.

Eskom wants a 19% increase in rates, plus clawbacks. WHY ? You CUNTS paid brian molefe R 30 MILLION in a pension. You helped the guptas steal tegeta from Glencore. Even paid R 600 MILLION deposit for that. You paid Mckinsey and Trillian R 1,6 BILLION in ghost fees. Now WE must help you. GO FUCK YOUR MOTHERS.

Then I read that shit-for-brains gigaba wants the PIC to help with R 100 BILLION to sort out the shortfalls in State Operated Entities. Is that a conservative figure that zuma and the guptas stole ? Is that the hole that they left ? Where is that money now ?

And then it hit me.

That money from that PIC is actually the cunts' monies that voted the anc into power. The trade federations, state employees, most who voted for the anc to get into power so that they in their endless incompetence can lumber us with the heaviest state machinery in the world. Baantjies vir boeties. And creating 16 million welfare cases, which I believe is just a way of paying for voters.

So let the PIC take the knock. The state pensions can pay for the shortfall, and when one day you are in retirement, and the money is just not enough, think about how fucking stupid you were to vote for the anc.

kak en betaal. Dis nou julle Beurt. Voel hoe dit voel om genai te word die hele fokken tyd.

Doubleslappedass - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Basic Member
1 Jul 2015
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Posted: 2017-09-23 21:37:03

On 2017-09-23 21:07:37 I never learn said:
From afar I am looking dispassionateley at the insane ramblings of the ruling anc party and their minions that are trying to stop the leaks in the buckets that are the SOE's, state operated entities, or more specifically eskom, transnet, saa, denel, the waterboards, petro sa.

In bars we sit and discuss the well-known bell-pottinger collapse that has embraced england, and sol kerzner's ex-wife as well. The kpmg fiasco is just coming to the fore with them retracting their reports on Pravin and company. Their CEO hurried to SA to contain the damage to SA alone, before the rest of the world learns of their indiscretions.

Trillian is tainted already, McKinsey will be put to task as well.

But these are the fringe players.

Why are we not seeing the real culprits brought to justice.

Because zuma is a clever mother fucker. He loaded the NPA and Hawks with his own people. Trying to get his idiot ex-wife elected as pressie so he can ride off into the sunset.

His retirement plan fucked now that all banks are closing gupta accounts.

But they will still move the mine rehabilitation funds away, never to be seen again, leavin us to pay for that. They did that already, so it is a mere formality.

The banks had enough. Told gigaba the motherless cunt that the dudu had to leave saa before they extend one cent credit further.
saa needs 10 billion to stay afloat. Not a guarantee, but cash, because that dumb fuck dudu that sucks zuma's dick is not leaving before zuma tells her to. What the fuck has she got on him ? He is a rapist, a criminal, we expect the worst from that thing.

Eskom wants a 19% increase in rates, plus clawbacks. WHY ? You CUNTS paid brian molefe R 30 MILLION in a pension. You helped the guptas steal tegeta from Glencore. Even paid R 600 MILLION deposit for that. You paid Mckinsey and Trillian R 1,6 BILLION in ghost fees. Now WE must help you. GO FUCK YOUR MOTHERS.

Then I read that shit-for-brains gigaba wants the PIC to help with R 100 BILLION to sort out the shortfalls in State Operated Entities. Is that a conservative figure that zuma and the guptas stole ? Is that the hole that they left ? Where is that money now ?

And then it hit me.

That money from that PIC is actually the cunts' monies that voted the anc into power. The trade federations, state employees, most who voted for the anc to get into power so that they in their endless incompetence can lumber us with the heaviest state machinery in the world. Baantjies vir boeties. And creating 16 million welfare cases, which I believe is just a way of paying for voters.

So let the PIC take the knock. The state pensions can pay for the shortfall, and when one day you are in retirement, and the money is just not enough, think about how fucking stupid you were to vote for the anc.

kak en betaal. Dis nou julle Beurt. Voel hoe dit voel om genai te word die hele fokken tyd.


Yeah strangely I am starting to feel a bit more positive myself, I think we may all be saved by crypto currency after all, we can alll basically hedge against government incompetence now, and we can all laugh at how the useless ANC thinks they still rule over us, they soon won't have a fucking red cent to suck their own balls with, the DA now runs the biggest Metros, the EFF Are looking more and more like a bunch of stupid fucking one trick pony hypocrites whose horse has fucking sunk with zimboonia and Venezuela. Gigaba has to start sucking cock to do anything, the mines are fighting back or just shutting down, again taking stupid fucking ANC supporters down with them...
As Michael stipe once's the end of the world and I feel fine..
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-09-23 21:41:40

It's the end of the world as we know it... I feel fine

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