On 2017-08-25 15:46:45 Kitty said:
I had someone send me a cock pic. The first one I responded with loads of gay porn. The second one, I told him he now owed me R100 because I'm an escort, I don't name money looking at a picture. Fair enough to him, he apologised and sent the money :)
On 2017-08-25 12:56:16 Harry Morgan said:
Careful If you use Whatsapp on your personal phone you give up your anonymity.
That is your name comes up.
Always use a punting phone
On 2017-08-24 14:15:40 metalsmith said:
Question to the beautiful women on this site.
Do you prefer phone calls or a whatsapp.
I always assumed that whatsapp is better as it allows you to respond when you are free.
With a phone call to confirm.
Though I gather some don't like whatsapp.
Is there a general preference or does it change from person to person?
On 2017-08-28 07:47:49 Crave said:
Mia's post makes the most sense to me. She doesn't WhatsApp as it could be a wife, or kid on the other end. Fair enough. I am single,, so I didn't think of this eventuality. Good point.
Personally, I am a big WhatsApp contacter. I work from home, and my reception is Uber kak. There is nothing more frustrating and un-sexy than trying to have a broken telephone call.
So, I WhatsApp. Those who respond get attention. As far as not getting a feel for the girl, it is possible to what's app in a creative/funny/sexy way, just like verbal communication.
When someone catches my WhatsApp eye, I then drive to a spot where there is reception, call, and invariably book.
As far as ladies refusing WhatsApp cause of "the wankers". Well, I have no doubt that there are plenty "wankers" who call too!