On 2017-09-14 12:18:31 DIRECTORSSS said:
Pantum. Fokkit...you are like a younger version of Richard Gere man! You can tell the lady you are Directorsss.
Just be on your super best behaviour then with the booking. Moenie poep as sy haar vinger naby jou hol...ok..jy verstaan wat ek bedoel.
This will unfortunately not work the other way around. If I tell a lady I am Pantum....that would be detrimental to your punting career.
On 2017-09-14 12:21:43 pantum said:
.....she leaves the bedroom door open in her Apartment and the fucking dog jumps on the bed and likes to leak and play .Told her it's fucking madness .She then told me it's her little NOONNOES ...