On 2017-10-19 10:31:28 reenaP said:
On 2017-10-19 10:22:49 Blaza said: I don't bother with white chicks anymore precisely because I don't want to subject myself to such bullshit.
No ways boss. I love me some white blondies
On 2017-10-19 09:46:59 Jewel said:
@SuburbBoy101.....I'm so very sorry for your terrible experience! I have no words.....
On 2017-10-19 12:13:27 Sibyl said:
Sad that a "lady" can nonchalantly use such hurtful insulting words. It points to utter ignorance and lack of compassion for another human being. Just goes to show that a beautiful body and face, does not necessarily guarantee education, class or good manners.
On 2017-10-19 09:06:09 SuburbBoy101 said:
Hi all just would like to share a experience I had yesterday.
So yesterday I phoned one of the ladys on esa she is white n very beautiful I was excited for a massage, and all that changed when she answered my call.. her telephone manners was great and I was very please with everything until she asked what race am I, so I was more then okay to share my race so I said I'm coloured then here her reply was......
"sorry I don't do coloureds, Julle mense is vuil en gevaarluk jammer en geniet jou dagi verder (puts the phone down)"
... Never in a long time have I felt so kak. I won't expose or report her she probably has her reasons but all I ask is just say you don't want certain race in your profile then we went won't call just to avoid a incident like this.