On 2017-10-31 02:39:05 oraljim said:
Do you know what happens after you've been offended? NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING happens to you. Real adults realise that being offended is part of life and we move on. It's got nothing to do with privilege at all, and everything to do with having a spine and being able to survive in a world where not everyone thinks or speaks the same way you do.
Your absolutely right, because nothing effects you other than physical pain right. So if a close family dies, it doesn't matter because nothing has happened to you. Your self-confidence as a human being is 'never' impacted by what people around you say and do. Hahaha okay mate, if you say so.
The right to free speech and freedom of expression is not unlimited, you don't have to feel or think or even agree with someone, But as a society we have set a standard for social interaction with that person. No hate speech, no incitement of violence etc.
Now in the purple world they have set their standard of what is appropriate. I certainly do not agree with everything they deem appropriate but I can understand them wanting to protect another human being from being needlessly bashed by some anonymous asshole. Your rights are not being taken away they're being limited... limited to cater for the another's RIGHT to a modicum of dignity. Honestly if you can't tell the difference between an honest assessment of a situation or a personal attack on someone, that smacks of a person who has always been in a position of privilege.