On 2017-11-05 10:11:22 Ben Layden said:
...I watched helplessly from my hotel room as a guy casually walked up to my car, took a step back, kicked my car window by the passenger seat in, shards of glass scattered by the pavement. He put his arm in and reached for my car radio and casually walked away, deaf to my shouts of anguish...
On 2017-11-06 13:58:15 Mike40 said:
Antonella was a large Italian woman, right?
She was quite a character.
Some very hot ladies worked there, I booked many of them.
There was also another escort agency about a mile to the east of Le Paradis.
I forget the name of the agency, the owner's name was Russell.
I often booked his sister, Mandy, and we'd go to her house in Malvern for the 2 hour booking.
One of the wildest women I ever met, she was not hassled by anything.
In those days the whole industry was a lot more laid back, much better than these days.
On 2017-11-06 12:48:45 Mike40 said:
I didn't know that you worked at Lennox St.
I always booked a mature lady there, blonde and in her 40s.
She was definitely one of the best ladies I ever went with.
She told me she was of German heritage.
I'm sure she retired long ago but I hope you can tell me her name, if only cos I'm worried my memory is fading in my old age!