[deleted] - Re: Money....
Re: Money....
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-11-11 13:19:37


"This is a div comment"

What are you trying to say ? Tried to google the meaning of "div", but it refers to a "stupid or foolish person"

Kindly clarify for me, I am probably a "div" person, but I completely fail to grasp what you tried to say ?

[deleted] - Re: Money....
Re: Money....
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-11-11 13:22:53

Good selection Ben, property has been doing well over the last few years.

This is hardly the place you go to for financial information. Rather find a reliable financial advisor to firstly find out what exactly you want to to accomplish. Stay away from the banks, those idiots are worse than us here on the site. Braindead mongrels.

These fucknuts here, stay far away from us. We only have doos in our heads.

myword - Re: Money....
Re: Money....
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4 Jul 2014
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Posted: 2017-11-11 16:57:42

I think there is a lot of girls on ESA and in this industry, that have the same problem. So all advise given here is good for all the ladies cause know the no what to do.
Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: Money....
Re: Money....
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2017-11-11 17:34:37

On 2017-11-11 13:22:53 I never learn said:
Good selection Ben, property has been doing well over the last few years.

Indeed I will stay away from those "fucknuts" as you so colorfully put it.

That portfolio has quadrupled my money in 8 years.

It is well diversified into:
1. Cash
2. Bonds
3.Listed Property
4. Local Equity
5.Offshore Equity
hornym - Re: Money....
Re: Money....
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29 Apr 2012
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Posted: 2017-11-11 21:52:08

On 2017-11-11 13:09:43 Ben Layden said:
Life cover is a complete waste of money.
Rather invest that money into your unit trust portfolio.

i feel like I've wasted the last 7 years on this :/ ...

So if I cancel this i loose everytbing ?

Also i recently took up a retirement thing too
hornym - Re: Money....
Re: Money....
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29 Apr 2012
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Posted: 2017-11-11 21:54:45

On 2017-11-11 12:35:52 Ben Layden said:
1. Allan Gray Equity fund. 20%
2. Old Mutual investors Fund. 20%
3. Old Mutual Enhanced Income Fund 10%
4. Marriott Property Fund. 30%
5. Investec Global Equity Fund 20%

Don't touch it for st least 7 years.

what intially input did you put in this and kind of returns have you seen ?
[deleted] - Re: Money....
Re: Money....
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-11-12 08:45:57

If you have dependants and no life group cover at work, you should have life cover... If you are single, and no dependents and your assets exceeds your liabilities, than you dont need life cover and can invest everything. But it would be wrong to have no life cover and if you pass away, dependents are in trouble. If you have dependents, you should have cover of at least 10 (15 a better number) the annual income the dependents need.

The issue with Unit Trusts (UTs) is the cost. If you buy EFTs, the cost is much lower. When you take a selection of UTs, you taking a "bet" that they will outperform the market by the cost difference relative to the EFT. Numerous overseas studies has shown EFTs is a better investment. Even Warren Buffet advice people to rather buy EFTs.
In SA, the answer is not yet that clear cut. Our market is less efficient than say the USA and we have mining stocks which forms a disproportionately large share of the JSE. So (in theory), good UTs can outperform the market... But then you need to be really on top of the market as very few asset managers consistently outperform. And when you appoint an advisor, the cost rises... 90%+ of ordinary people will be better off in EFTs than in UTs...
[deleted] - Re: Money....
Re: Money....
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-11-12 10:21:24

[deleted] - Re: Money....
Re: Money....
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-11-12 11:26:22
Edited: 2017-11-12 11:29:46

"Life cover is a complete waste of money."

Ben, not quite in agreement. Depends on the situatiuon. I need it for estate tax, as well as business risk cover. As investment simply a waste unless you are called Henri and stand to collect a few bar.

And a good thing for us whities to leave some cushion for our kids that are royally fucked by the BBEEE mess as well as the cunts stealing our country blind. Not to mention the 30 percent unemployment. Gives them options to move away to a safer and more productive environment.


"So all advise given here is good for all the ladies cause know the no what to do."

What the living fuck are you trying to articulate ?

Financial planning :

I am also of the opinion that probably 90 % (in my own view) of ladies here does not know what the word : budget , means. Even less what medical aid benefits can bring to you. As well as operating a bank account. And the obvious one, planning for life after this purple life, as it has a sell-by date, and only few will operate later in life.

These concepts are foreign, the blank look appearing when you montion these things. I cringe when I see this, but then who the fuck am I to preach. I am not a financial planner.

Just thanking God my kids have brains and ears to listen when I pontificate. One less worry, and they will inherit ample, so I can live my life.

To the 90 % : Maybe it is time to start looking at life a little differently. Your looks will fade, your shelf-life coming to an end. What then ? Desperate alliance with a controlling motherfucker that will steal your remaining life and years until you have served your purpose and be thrown out to the wolves, your kids not helping as they have their own shit ?

Not a pretty picture ?
Demi-leigh - Re: Money....
Re: Money....
18 Oct 2017
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Posted: 2017-11-12 22:31:01

On 2017-11-11 08:45:14 Blaza said:
Lovely lady, the simplest and most lasting advice on issues financial is contained in an old classic known as 'The richest man in Babylon'

It is freely available online and is an easy read not filled with jargon. I highly recommend you take the time to go through it

I second Blaza on this.


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