On 2017-11-16 08:36:15 frankstar said:
I don't think I am better than anyone else. Except for a racist. I know I am better than a racist.
On 2017-11-15 23:19:23 Ms Paige said:
Sasha... are you on something? Get over yourself... if your a self made "millionaire" ... own a 3 million rand house and make R300 000 a month... then please tell me what the fuck are you doing on ESA selling your pussy?
On 2017-11-16 01:43:26 Sultry Indian Jiah said:
On 2017-11-14 21:18:37 9cloud9 said: Koochy. Why do you think you will be banned for quoting a historical statement verbatim. Just quote and give the reference. Has this country become so ridiculous and politically correct that you can't state a historical fact. Bare in mind that Malcolm X was murdered by his mentor Elijah Mohammed when
he realised he was a fraud. His missus was also killed by his grandson. She was burned to death as far as I know.
@Koochy Malcolm X, was NOT a
fraud. The fraud was Elijah
Muhammad who indoctrinated his
followers into believing that he was
the "Prophet of God" he was
abusing the female members in his
organisation, forcing sexual
relations and trying to convince
members that it was allowed as per the religion.
Malcolm X was becoming
disillusioned with Elijah's theology
of Islam. He started listening to the
advice of his Sunni friends who
encouraged him to formally learn
about Islam and to make a plan to
go on pilgrimage to Mecca. During
Hajj he saw Black and White
Muslims praying and interacting as
equals. He also visited African
countries interacting with the
independent leaders Nasser of
Egypt and Nkrumah of Ghana, who
also changed his outlook about
freedom, equality and living
together harmoniously with various race groups.
Malcolm X was assassinated because
he broke away from Elijah
Muhammad's Nation of Islam's theology
and converted to the Sunni sect of Islam.
It is a great tragedy that he was
assassinated at the point of his life
when he had just reached
enlightenment. Upon returning
from Hajj he found it difficult to propagate hatred. He knew that
he did not have much time as his
life was constantly under threat.
Right up until his last breath he
fought for the equal rights and freedom of
Black African Americans, by
whatever means possible.
I strongly believe that had he lived
longer he would have succeeded in spreading his new found ideology
of enlightenment, equality and unity.
While reading Maya Angelou's
autobiography "All God's Children Need Travelling Shoes" I was deeply moved by the conversations
between her and Malcolm X. In a particular chapter Malcolm X bumps into Muhammad Ali in Ghana and he tries to explain to
him his reasons for breaking away from Alijah and despite his conversion he was still a Muslim.
That he is still working towards their shared dream but Ali
was upset and shuts him down. Malcolm X humbly accepts his
decision and says to him "I still think you the greatest. "
I cried so much reading his words, I gave myself a blinding headache.
Malcolm X, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela all of them were
enlightened souls. Hero's to billions accept for the few who felt betrayed.
Yes. Thats what I meant. Malcolm X, realised Elijah Muhammed was a charlaton and they clashed, which led to his assassination. I did not say Malcolm X was a fraud. You read wrong or I did not state clearly enough.
On 2017-11-16 08:47:59 Vegas said:
On 2017-11-15 23:19:23
I don't know what the purpose is of Sasha's rant, but if you read carefully she didn't say she is a self made millionaire, she said she owned a company that made R300k per month but had to close it down due to persomal reasons she stated. So if it is true, it means she doesn't have that income anymore hence selling her pussy on ESA. As for the R3million house, if she did have a company that generated that level of income then it is surely plausible. R3 million is hardly a lavish house today.
On 2017-11-11 13:53:17 rd32 said:
.... Dont know what your obsession with white women is. Most of them on this site look dirty, nasty and hard. Most are nigerian owned hardcore druggies.