On 2018-09-26 07:28:04 LameDick10 said:
Can we also invent a 'Reliable Advertiser' badge...?
On 2018-09-26 07:17:50 Climax said:
On 2018-09-26 06:59:55
Got to see you're still around the purple pages...
On 2018-09-26 07:21:00 Meg said:
Reliable punter badge should be nominated from ESA and the ladies.
What they look for is clients who has given positive feedback on the forum, being a gentleman in and off the purple world.
He needs to stick to his set appointments he makes with the ladies and always be honest and discreet on his reviews.
For me sticking to a appointment already makes you reliable.
Oh and if possible should be met in person by the ESA members...and ladies.
The gentleman can also vote if they take his reviews as an example (to be truthful) on the reviewing system.
And yes like V said some to give flavours for reviews. But thats not being monitored.
So if the girls like you and you on the forum alot it leaves trail of what kind of person your dealing with.
The more you interact the more you get noticed.
On 2018-09-26 08:15:49 NotSoShyKev said:
On 2018-09-26 07:17:50 Climax said: On 2018-09-26 06:59:55
Got to see you're still around the purple pages...
yep...I pop up now and again. I will inbox you soon. a visit is long overdue.