On 2018-09-27 15:26:58 SwysVanSchalkW said:
Do punters punt less than what they would ideally like because they are low on cash or low on time?
If your low on cash will R200 price drop from a WG change things?
I personally am low on time, not cash. So Nicky as GORGEOUS as you are I can't afford the 1hr Drive each way to Erasmuskloof and back plus the 1hr punting session. I basically would need to free up 3hrs of my day. Which is 1/3 of my working hours. Which is career suicide.
I wish you all the best, maybe move around and see where you get the best response/ mix of guys with money and time?
On 2018-09-27 19:06:40 Nicky said:
Goofy, i'm coming down to capetown mid october for a week and trying to visit nelspruit for 3 days this coming week