Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2011-05-12 21:37:23

Moet net nie kwaad wees vir my nie - asseblief tog , Trompie ou maat , ek smeek jou !

Thousands of innocent women and children are killed and maimed in Palestine , Iraq , and Afghanistan by American firepower - and the world remains silent when these war crimes are committed .

Uthama bin Laadin did not turn the other cheek – he fought back.
Manie - Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
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3 Feb 2010
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Posted: 2011-05-13 15:22:27

Jy is deeglik befok in die kop Ben Layden. Gaan vreet jou kerrie daar in Pakistan. Miskien kry jou poephol 'n "suicide explosion".

Hoe de donder kan enige mens terrorisme verdedig?!?
sharp - Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
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2 May 2011
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Posted: 2011-05-13 17:18:35

Ben, you know that your hero was killed hiding behind a womans skirt. One more thing, your hero started the fight by sending his virgin seekers to fly in to the towers. Maybe it is time for you to go home.
martini - Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
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20 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2011-05-13 18:15:29

Who cares about Palestine,Iraq,Afghanistan surely not me.I care firstly for my own country , and the Jews and the Palestinians have been at it for eons.

Innocents are killed because the weak terrorist hide behind them ,or are known to them.

Only thing America should leave other countries the fuck alone , its there own disaster coming back to bite them in the ass , they funded these terrorists in the Soviet Invasion and look know.Just push the red button on the extremists.

Would have been nice if they cut of his head and post it on the net ,but they should have used a blunt knife.
Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2011-05-13 19:38:39

You guys are so naive !

You believe everything the Americans put out .
Your mommas and poppas were told by Vorster , Verwoerd et al that our beloved Madiba is a terrorist and that Soweto 1976 and the Sharpville massacre was all "propaganda".
Unbelievably white South Africans believed it !!!!

They should have captured OBL alive and put him on trial so that the whole truth about 9/11 is revealed.

Jack Ruby gunned down Lee Harvey Oswald to prevent him revealing the truth about the assassination of JFK.
martini - Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
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20 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2011-05-13 22:27:50

So Ben all knowing:In 1962 the SACP`s central committee met at a 'safe house' Lilliesleaf Rivonia , were it was decided that sabotage should be stepped up , men were trained in Algeria,Egypt,Ethiopia and Tanzania.Small scale local training was also embarked on at spiritual camps in remote area`s of Natal and Transkei.

Operation Mayibuye- the plan to overthrow whit-ruled S-A was formulated by the SACP`s central Committee and MK high command in May 63.The plan involved the secret manufacture and procurement in S-A of 210 000 grenades , 48000 anti-personal mines and various other explosives - in all enough to blow up Johannesburg.It did not happen because getting the ingredients together without alerting the authorities , was impossible.Targets included police stations , post offices , African administration offices,the houses of black policemen and administrators,railway installations,pylons,power stations and so on were detailed on a series of 106 maps.The countrywide attacks would be mounted by locally trained recruits,supplemented by 7000 externally trained cadres who would land by sea.

A corner of this impossible dream was revealed when Rhodesians arrested eight Ethiopian trained MK cadres in transit to S-A.This led to the apprehension of other trainees within S-A and a secuirity police swoop on the SACP`s Rivonia HQ in July 63.Ten SACP/ANC leaders were arrested , chargedwith conspiracy to overthrow he S-A goverment by violent means with the aid of foreign intervention and brought to court, at what became known as the Rivonia trials, no terrorism here hey!!!!

Sporadic incidents of insurgency continued during 62-63.This culminated in the proposal to launch the Great revolution in 63.Their targets were the armed forces(lol really lol),the police the commando units the entire population including women and children.They intended to blow up the vaal river barrage to flood white farms downstream,to destroy crops,drown livestock and white people.Prime minister Verwoerd , minister of justice Voster and minister of finance Donges would be assassinated under codename operation Rattlesnake.

If Israel had captured Jurusalem ,the golan Heights and the west bank of the jordan River in wars with the Arabs during the 19th century for instance,instead of the latter half of the 20th,they would have been heirs by right of one would have argued the validity of her keeping it.

Propaganda is a funny thing that has caused many wars.
Don`t forget about all the bombs the ANC let loose,in 88 there were 88 attacks ,136 in 85,230 in 86 and 234 in 87.

Cowards i have seen them all ,big mouths till the bullets fly,my time as a operator was filled with joy.
[deleted] - Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2011-05-13 22:33:24

There are many conspiracies. We will never officially know these things, but
1) If a government kills criminals, it is justice. If they kill innocents, it is oppression (Apartheid, America).
2) If a freedom fighter kills police, military and targets government institutions and employees, he is a freedom fighter. If he kills/target civilians, he is a mother fucking terrorist (Osama, some ANC fighters-not all).

All in all, America should stop the oppression and get the hell outta dodge. They go looking for trouble wherever there is oil.

Apparently, of the decision makers, ONLY Obama wanted the Seals to go in, the rest wanted the place to be bombed. America was in on it all, letting him live only to drive up the oil prices and "give them a reason" to be there. Did any of you wonder why his family was flown out of America when ALL OTHER PLAINS were grounded?
Manie - Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
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3 Feb 2010
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Posted: 2011-05-14 15:13:06

He is a real fuck-knuckle. But, because I am upset with him, I will not fight with him, but rather I will kill his wife and children. That are the way these curry infected extremists think. Bliksemse mal goed.
unluckyluke - Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
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2 Mar 2009
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Posted: 2011-05-18 09:55:40

political grandstanding serves no one as its all one sided and blind and there is no point in debate if one doesnt recognise the other..Why the palestines (although never such a country/currency/govt) call for the total destruction of the jews is because they got there arses kicked so hard every time they started a war WHO invaded in 1973 on the holiest day???? ANyway for all the christians out there you bin having a good time..The Ladins and dancing virgin gangs dont recognise that the Holy Temples ever existed so from which steps did Jesus throw out the money lenders and the gamblers.I quess Roman and Greek history and all the archelogical diggings are american make up... There will never be peace by mans hand because the Muslims dont believe we have a right to exist.. and when they learn to love their children more than they hate others maybe we will see peace.. NO DEATH IS CONDONED by me but raise a sword and you will be shot... RE SA where do all the AK 47s used in cah heist and robberies come from SA used R1 rifles and then R4.. Bin here now going to get laid..
ara69 - Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
Re: R.I.P. Ben Layden
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5 May 2010
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Posted: 2011-05-20 21:52:30
Edited: 2011-05-21 23:10:23

Until humans realize that life is a gift, and we learn to share and work towards making all mankind equal, with access to free clean running water, and we share our knowledge and resources without expectation of payment, we are doomed. Greed and power will not enable you to solve the problems mankind faces, it only creates more problems. Sadly the gain you receive from your greed might grant you a better burial place but the view of the dirt is still the same 6ft under!




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