Posted: 2012-01-13 15:59:23
Ideally, both client and SP would respect each other but we don't live in an ideal world. Personally, I keep to the old adage of 'The customer is always right', not literally of course. But I choose to maintain a respectful manner while standing my ground right till the end, even as I'm throwing him out. Because in the 'he said, she said aftermath', the customer wins everytime! S
My reality is: I am self employed, I'm not offering a specialist service (my bj's don't come with a complimentary cure for Cancer just yet), I have no big guys with even bigger budgets covering my ass, etc...
What I do have is bills to pay, and when a client gives me his hard earned cash, I take it that's my cue to start earning mine - sometimes the hard way. Like tolerating an obnoxious person for 60 mins. It could be worse, I could have nobody to have to tolerate. So who's looking after whom? I'm looking after myself, I guess...