[deleted] - Re: Rating System
Re: Rating System
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2019-01-19 01:02:22


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Arizona - Re: Rating System
Re: Rating System
17 Feb 2004
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Posted: 2019-01-19 01:14:59
Edited: 2019-01-19 01:34:11

This is hilarious... if I could only share the truth about my day...
This is for us girls! Let's celebrate good times common!


Minime V10.1
Minime V10.1 - Re: Rating System
Re: Rating System
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19 Jul 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-19 03:25:32

Our performance appraisal system at work is on a 1 to 5 scale where 3 is you basically doing what is expected of you at work and you even get a "good boy" pat on the head. 5 is for extraordinary performance where you made /save millions for the company by going the extra 100000 miles. And a one is totally unsatisfactory performance and youre on the verge of getting fired.
Maybe this can work here?
JustJay11 - Re: Rating System
Re: Rating System
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5 Oct 2016
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Posted: 2019-01-19 06:28:03

On 2019-01-19 01:02:22 Me and You said:

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[deleted] - Re: Rating System
Re: Rating System
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2019-01-19 10:17:34


Totally agree.

So by that reasoning, not everyone that gives a better than 3 (which is the expected level of service) should get a 5. That would just be ludicrous that each and everyone that you visit makes the sky fall and the stars explode. Maybe in that particular moment, but in hindsight with your brains back between your ears where they belong, a more realistic and hopefully more objective evaluation can follow.

I have certainly met some "5's", so the "4's" are given in relation to the magical punts that I had.

Not everybody can be the principal or the CEO of a company. 4 is a damn good rating in my books.

So, to make it easy :
5 : Magical (MNet magic that never stops...)
4 : Really excellent
3 : Average (to be expected)
2 : Below average and never to be repeated
1 : Simply shocking

[deleted] - Re: Rating System
Re: Rating System
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2019-01-19 10:29:28

Let me just qualify that I am primarily here on the forum to rate the ladies that I visited. That is after all the purpose of the forum. Rate the ladies so that other punters can sidestep the really bad punts or even the dangerous ones.

There was some confusion about my personal rating system which I addressed, and which I hope everyone will get off my back regarding it now.

To the Inspector Clousseau's here who is forever trying to find out the real person behind a nick, kindly desist. You are making fools of yourself. If it is your BELIEF that I am jjsoap or the misspelled yewrev, then do think that, but in private please, for voicing it here will open you up to ridicule and laughter.

I am not jjsoap or yewrev and I am sure he is laughing at the idiots thinking that.

So kindly leave me in my "shady" peace.

I am simply here to rate the ladies and occasionally leave a humorous thought or an insight.

Off to yet another punt as time is running out on my punting career and there are still so many wonderful ladies that I still want to visit that is my visiting list for 2019. This is the year of the PUNT !!!!

Happy hunting


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