muffman69 - Re: What is South Africa like?
Re: What is South Africa like?
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18 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2012-01-18 07:25:56

24-9 and 16-12: days off to most of us. Then we all have a braai (part of our heritage) and make friends (reconciliation).
montaki - Re: What is South Africa like?
Re: What is South Africa like?
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6 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2012-01-18 10:11:11

Hahahaha Ben, I believe that the government of the day had serious issues and the way they dealt with them probably wasnt to most of our liking , as South Africans we've learnt to shutup and putup and rather turn a blind eye. Funny thing is we have a new lot in government now, its not much better in fact probably a lot worse ( that would be financially ), however as a united South Africa ( rainbow nation ) we're still shutting up and putting up and now its not just whites the worst thing its all of us, seems that something really bad rubbed of from the past into the future and that is tolerance to a system which is still not correct. The future of this country lies in the future and most definately not in the past, Unfortunately no matter how hard you try we cannot correct the past , we cannot change it , we can only change the future. It really doesnt take a brain surgeon to understand this, however it seems we are still horribly hooked into something which we have no power over. What is fact and its a very true fact is that there are a select few that are stirring up racial hatred for their own financial gain , and while we sqaubble over what was, they are planning their finacial wealth on our unhappiness. Its happened right through Africa , the wealthy incite racial hatred while the middle class feul the economy and the poor suffer , and then the middle class collapses and there is nothing left to feul the economy and then only a few wealthy are left to feul the hatred, the poor are left to their own devices - sad and really true. We have the power to change the future in our beautiful country, its as simple as fogetting the past , standing together and living for the future - me thinks unfortunately we are going to go the way of racial divide , making a few wealthy and many poor , damn sad that
[deleted] - Re: What is South Africa like?
Re: What is South Africa like?
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2012-01-18 18:41:00

Ben, not as free as we would like to be - being cloistered behind our burglar bars, electric fencing and alarms
Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: What is South Africa like?
Re: What is South Africa like?
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2012-01-18 22:11:00
Edited: 2012-01-18 22:15:34

Required reading for the current crop of political panjandrums in power is George Orwell's "Animal Farm". Read it.

Just because blacks suffered under apartheid does not mean that they are angels!

But one DOES expect a higher standard of morality from those who lived under that sour policy of race supremacy.

A lot of these guys were in exile in London , the US , and Europe during apartheid and are now back with their posh British and American accents and their white spouses.

There is a black American author who admits in his book that as bad as slavery was , those who were forcibly taken to work the plantations of America are the lucky ones. They escaped the endless tribal wars , superstition, and Stone Age way of life.

Will South Africa prove to be an exception ?
If you drop an egg , will it break ?

Kempton78 - Re: What is South Africa like?
Re: What is South Africa like?
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7 Sep 2009
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Posted: 2012-01-18 22:50:45

Funny, the world see us as racists, in fact, we are just realists. Remove the tsotsies, and this rainbow nation would start to shine.

Yet, as comedian Leon once said: This is a happy country, here we dance even when we're unhappy. (Toi Toi).
montaki - Re: What is South Africa like?
Re: What is South Africa like?
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6 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2012-01-19 09:32:55

Lol Kempton78 so true , and Ben yes I agree , its going to take something special to change it all , what worrying is its a small group of bad apples thats causing the whole barrel to rot. Was once told if you have cancer cut it out , wish we could do it , imagine what we could do with all the resources and people at hand in our country all striving for a common goal. Instead our new posh people in power are so busy selling the Iscors , diamonds , gold mines off to the chinese. My prediction for the future is that unless stopped the posh people will sell off so much and the new chinese lords will send in labour at a 10th of the price to do the work , so as I said before once again the poor will suck hind tit , its a pity they are so taken by the racial crap spun around them that they dont see whats happening right in front of them
Garrett Neal
Garrett Neal - Re: What is South Africa like?
Re: What is South Africa like?
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22 Feb 2012
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Posted: 2012-02-25 12:37:40

@crazybob0......I am also and American and have been living in Johannesburg for 3 yrs...... Please dont believe most of the crap you hear from people about how terrible.. blah, blah, blah......and about all of the horrible crime... This is like any huge city in the U.S. such as LA, NYC, Detroit, Chicago, Houston but predominately black. It does have its setbacks since 94 because the majority (Govt) have not yet figured out how to run the country without so much corruption. You can be in Johannesburg and within an hour you are at a game lodge watching beautiful animals......the women are beautiful and the Afrikanns folks are wonderful as long as you are respectful.......dont bring your arrogant American attitude and expect them to be nice BUT, it you are a humble and respectable gentleman they are great....... I married an Afrikaans lady...AWESOME.... Come and enjoy
Perter - Re: What is South Africa like?
Re: What is South Africa like?
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14 Nov 2010
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Posted: 2012-03-04 19:42:59

You must remember England is a kingdom as it is rule by a King (currently a queen) we are a country .............. I wonder why?


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