I stumbled across this ladies ad on 1 Feb 2012. I phoned her for more details and was quoted R1200 for an hour inclusive of Greek. I made an appointment for 10 am on Friday the 3 rd. I was advised to stop at the SHELL garage in Sandton drive Parkmore. Later the day I call again and warn her about bad comments on ESA because of dirty feet on her pictures. She says she will have them Photoshopped.
Day of the Action.
I leave my home in Pretoria at 9. I give her a call at
9.05 to confirm. Clearly she has just woken up… At 9:30 I receive the following sms “ Ek weet ni of ek dit in tyd gaan maak ni. En ek is ni lelik ni. Maar ek weet niof ek j wil sien ni. Miskien moet jy maar op sandton playmates iemand anders soek. Miskien viky of Kelly.” In Sandton drive I find out she spells SHELL as TOTAL. I tried to call her several times but she refuse to answer. I am reasonable and 30 minutes later would not kill me. I turn around and head back home (70 km return). On my way back I receive the following sms “Ek wil ni met j praat ni. Ek vind j bja obnoxious en dit beteken ni omdat j betaal j kan meisies snaaks behandel ni. Ek het nog nooit iemand soos j ontmoed ni en gaan ni nou begin ni. As jy I comment wil maak wat lelik is moet jy maar. Ek en jy weet albei wat waar is.”
Please note the only conversations with her were the ones mentioned above. As to my character ask Siann what she thinks of PeterPan. I am not sure what this one smokes but it is hazardous. I am just glad I did not donate any sperm cells there because the added intelligence would make her dangerous. Beware gents this one will pop up different name different website !!!