Posted: 2019-09-16 13:45:29
Hi Antoinette, Steve
In case you don't understand what the definition of Solicitation is:
"Solicitation comes from solicit, which means "to request," or "to entreat." So solicitation is the act of requesting. There are three kinds of solicitation. One is asking for money, like when someone goes door-to-door trying to collect money for a cause. In law, solicitation means encouraging someone to commit a crime. Solicitation can also mean making a plea to someone with power to grant a request or favor"
Antoinette - in your own words - "I doubt that any advertiser dreamed of this as her courier" I'm sure you meant career
You are through the payment of "commission" asking Joe Soap to encourage young vulnerable mothers to enter a career that in your own words above isn't probably a career they want to enter anyway - temporary or not.
From your response Steve, you have clearly justified it in your own mind and I truly doubt that your offer is of an altruistic nature but more likely for your own profit