@Barbie Sexy, you just posted as a punter here, as a service provider in this thread www.esa.co.za/forum/thread.php and as Jlo (yourself again) above speaking as a third person. Sheer brilliance
Hey stop being nasty its her alter ego doing the promoting of the wg personality. Perhaps with these split personalities if someone said " go f#€k yourself" it could actually happen and we would get a review?
[deleted] -
Re: give this lady a try
Re: give this lady a try
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2012-08-30 22:04:29
Not Nie sure seker you jy will wil understand vertaan that dat you jy is is FAAKING FAAKING funny snaaks as soos Cucumber komkommer says se maybe miskien you jy should moet go gaan F^%k Spyker yourselves jouself and en then dan you jy tell vertel us ons how hoe that dit was was
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