SecretSusie - Re: Last year this time
Re: Last year this time
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8 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-22 10:16:24

On 2021-05-21 11:36:56 Bbw Nadia said:
I had coffee with a lady who worked in a bottle store. Its amazing how innovative we have become. We still treat meals the same. We make every bit stretch. I had one sitdown restaurant meal since then.I had chicken licken once. I realised I am really not into pizza or Nandos or burgers. I really don't feel like I am missing anything. My local Spar does really lekker home-cooked meals. And I have on occasion bought their food for a fraction of restaurant prices when I want a treat. I have learnt that ice cream is ice cream. No need to pay R50 at Wimpy when I can pay R50 for a tub at Spar. I can make perfectly decent coffee at home. Those days of spending R30 for coffee is over. I also cannot see myself paying R25 for a glass of coke. My bestie's 8yo was my breakfast date and I asked if he wanted a coke. 'Nee dankie, ons kan by PnP gaan Coke koop. Ons kan koffie drink'. Coffee is included in the breakfast. Guess whose mom have him a lecture before going out?

I pomp at home now, those days of paying R800 - R1200 for a session with a a WG are over for me too.
Jakeburns78 - Re: Last year this time
Re: Last year this time
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7 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2021-05-22 10:46:31

This time last year, I was earning nothing, 4 months with no income, but you know what

I was healthy
I had a roof over my head
I had a family and friends who I love
I decided to not let anybody or anything get to me

I borrowed some money, made some food and sold it, took that bought some more ingredients made food and sold it, it was not going to make a rich man but it kept the lights on,

it also gave me enough to make food and give it away to those who needed it. Because no matter how tough it was for me it was a lot tougher for others.

I did go back to work but for a lower salary (25% less) and on an hourly rate, sometimes only 100 hours a month, but I am still healthy, I still have a roof over my and I thank my lucky stars every day

I now manage my money to allow my little habit of punting, I still make and sell food and I still make and give food away

we should all realise that we are lucky, Just the fact that we are on this platform, we can afford the data, the phone, the laptop to access it a lot still cant, a lot are not here that were here last year

So get up every day greet the sun and thank whatever God you want to, and be thankful you're alive


Jake XXX
Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: Last year this time
Re: Last year this time
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-05-22 12:20:07

Have you noticed that those who made no effort to help anybody but were living large last year this time are actually in a very bad place now? I saw someone telling their relatives where to get food parcels while they were braaing at least twice a week, making potjie every Sunday, eating 3 huge cooked meals a day. I saw them about to throw away perfectly good leftover rice. I nearly kakked myself.... a 1kg margarine bakkie full. I took it, made spicy rice enough for 2 main meals... not sides. Last week I realised they are NOW hard hit and are collecting food parcels at a local church. I have sworn I will not see their son go without. I can def teach them to cook on a budget but they won't like me to.So I buy the kid snacks and we go to the butcher to buy R5 ice cream cones. I buy a big bag of chips and throw some in a ziploc for him. I have to do it so subtely so they dont notice I know the predicament. Very proud people. I bought some instant porridge and said my plastic container is full and let the kid see if he likes it. I really feel like being nasty and remind them how they braaied and wasted food while their brother had nothing but that would be horrible. I know I am being totally nasty but hell people forget how they pushed family to one side.
Jakeburns78 - Re: Last year this time
Re: Last year this time
Gold Member
7 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2021-05-22 12:44:09

On 2021-05-22 12:20:07 Bbw Nadia said:
Have you noticed that those who made no effort to help anybody but were living large last year this time are actually in a very bad place now? I saw someone telling their relatives where to get food parcels while they were braaing at least twice a week, making potjie every Sunday, eating 3 huge cooked meals a day. I saw them about to throw away perfectly good leftover rice. I nearly kakked myself.... a 1kg margarine bakkie full. I took it, made spicy rice enough for 2 main meals... not sides. Last week I realised they are NOW hard hit and are collecting food parcels at a local church. I have sworn I will not see their son go without. I can def teach them to cook on a budget but they won't like me to.So I buy the kid snacks and we go to the butcher to buy R5 ice cream cones. I buy a big bag of chips and throw some in a ziploc for him. I have to do it so subtely so they dont notice I know the predicament. Very proud people. I bought some instant porridge and said my plastic container is full and let the kid see if he likes it. I really feel like being nasty and remind them how they braaied and wasted food while their brother had nothing but that would be horrible. I know I am being totally nasty but hell people forget how they pushed family to one side.

The thing is Nadia just because someone shows you no compassion doesn't mean you or I must show it back to them,

I have had similar with someone, I just left a large bag of groceries at their gate, no note, no nothing, they wont say thank you any way

But remember the true mark of humanity is how we treat those who mistreat us
my heart (and by the sounds of it yours) wont allow them to go hungry

Stay blessed and remember if you have nothing and I have a little, by me just sharing it with you it gives us both something

Jake XXX
Topdeckparty - Re: Last year this time
Re: Last year this time
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13 Aug 2012
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Posted: 2021-05-22 13:04:08

My Sasol shares have gone 10 folds ....
Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: Last year this time
Re: Last year this time
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-05-22 13:18:15

On 2021-05-22 12:44:09 Jakeburns78 said:
On 2021-05-22 12:20:07

The thing is Nadia just because someone shows you no compassion doesn't mean you or I must show it back to them,

I have had similar with someone, I just left a large bag of groceries at their gate, no note, no nothing, they wont say thank you any way

But remember the true mark of humanity is how we treat those who mistreat us
my heart (and by the sounds of it yours) wont allow them to go hungry

Stay blessed and remember if you have nothing and I have a little, by me just sharing it with you it gives us both something

Jake XXX

I totally agree. But my dark side sometimes wants to stick it to them. I won't, but I certainly want to sometimes.


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