Rossia - Re: Fully booked!
Re: Fully booked!
4 Jun 2012
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Posted: 2021-05-27 21:23:50

Yes my sweet girl. And don't listen to the negative people . You will be just fine . You don't need to prove yourself to anyone . You are you and just be wise well you can :) things will be ok .
Churchill - Re: Fully booked!
Re: Fully booked!
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6 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2021-05-27 21:34:41

I'm confused
Rossia - Re: Fully booked!
Re: Fully booked!
4 Jun 2012
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Posted: 2021-05-27 22:59:52

@churchill nothing to be confused about ,I'll make my kak short stories , we all want to fall pregnant with you but we don't know how ??? Can you help maybe ?hehehe!
Big Mac
Big Mac - Re: Fully booked!
Re: Fully booked!
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19 Aug 2006
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Posted: 2021-05-28 06:37:14

Don't get this thread, whats the point of posting your fully booked?
Are you just boasting or what?

I can understand you posting availability but this is nonsensical, surely you interact to drum up business, this just comes across as arrogant
Kaycee ( The Original Milf)
Kaycee ( The Original Milf) - Re: Fully booked!
Re: Fully booked!
4 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-05-28 06:48:16

On 2021-05-27 20:33:29 Shakira said:
On 2021-05-27 16:14:43 NoWhiteKnight said: Interesting.

So you Kelsey, and Saffron Skye (all active) have publicly starred recently that you're fully booked.

I guess the purple world has really done a turn around.

Can't wait for everything else to catch up.


Work and hustle is real. Work harder and stop being a dick on the might be just as busy with work and blessings.

Good morning beautiful lady. Blessings always
Have a beautiful and prosperous day, forget the negative and focus on your goals,no matter what they are. You deserve to be busy......

Lots of lucky guys out there. Keep up the good work...

Don't bother replying to the negative comments. Just ignore them. Blessings always...btw, beautiful shoot....
Shakira - Re: Fully booked!
Re: Fully booked!
3 Aug 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-28 07:08:10

On 2021-05-28 06:37:14 Big Mac said:
Don't get this thread, whats the point of posting your fully booked?
Are you just boasting or what?

I can understand you posting availability but this is nonsensical, surely you interact to drum up business, this just comes across as arrogant

Hey go tell your msp Shz arrogant. Not like i owe anyone an explanation. But didn't want clients to call and waste their time where as there are other beautiful ladies available for them to book. I might've been in a treatment so wouldn't be able to answer my phone. For a big mac you have a tiny puny brain.
Lucky Horseman
Lucky Horseman - Re: Fully booked!
Re: Fully booked!
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6 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-28 07:58:46

I suppose if you are bored and out of ideas of how to attract attention to yourself, this is as good as any.
Ashleigh @ Be Sensual
Ashleigh @ Be Sensual - Re: Fully booked!
Re: Fully booked!
19 Apr 2017
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Posted: 2021-05-28 08:00:48

"Like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives...." bleh.

I don't get what all the comotion is about... If you don't have anything nice to say, why say it at all.

When I worked alone I also posted "fully booked" on the forum and my profile or when I was taking an off day so that clients would hopefully be aware of the situation and not call during that period and I got no flack for it. People are so bitter these days.

Atleast Shakira had the deceny to try to let possible clients know instead of letting her phone ring unanswered and you get that one poephol that decides to write in your profile "she doesn't answer her calls", or decided to leave a bad review when he didn't even visit because she was busy and he couldn't handle not having his cake when he wanted it...
Stating these things on the forum or on your profile atleast gives you something to refer back to and say "but I did say that I was not available".

I stay clear of these forums these days because if all this unnecessary drama and negative BS from people who have nothing better to do than try to belittle others or try to break them down... some of you "keyboard warriors" take this hobby of yours way too seriously as if you get paid for it or something. Take up yoga or kickboxing or something and stop taking your frustraions out on other people. shows me who to avoid atleast....

Shakira, you already know this, but do what's best for you and your business, I learnt the hard way that you CANNOT please everybody but it's not your job to either, you offer what you are willing to and they can take it or leave it.
Just give your best and it is what it is at the end of the day... ignore the the ignorance and negativity and you'll be just fine.

Congratulations on being so busy in these tough times, I wish you all the best xx


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