Le Belle
Le Belle - How things have changed
How things have changed
18 Mar 2019
Posts to Date: 694
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Posted: 2021-05-31 09:11:56

Was chatting to my partner about how things have changed. Curiosity can be satisfied with a quick google search. People are far more knowledgeable, compared to back in my day (a whole 15 years ago!).

1) Girls would sneak their parents porn to school and we would ogle it at the bottom of the back field with quick glances. No one openly stared and studied the pictures, it was a quick glance. Boobs, bits and bobs at the speed of light.

2) classmate and I once drew porn. She would dictate what to draw and I being the artist would flesh out her designs onto a piece of exam pad with a pen. She then showed it to our maths class.

3) I dont know how we got the one book but it was a story book with the character getting into different sexual encounters. The friend and I agreed to only read a chapter at a time and not read ahead because it wouldnt be fair for the one person to know more about sex than the other person.

4) it was an all girls school so any male that came to the school wall, no matter how he looked, would be at the attention of about 20 girls all trying to flirt.

5) Discussions would be made on different things. Like what a 'rainbow party' was. We thought it meant people from different ethnicities hung out!

6) Phones with internet was not a thing, the school computers were monitored, so besides basic sex education and even that was limited, we really had no idea besides what our parents chose to tell us.

7). I was dared to ask during a Q and A if someone could get aids from a BJ. We genuinely didnt know and was embarrassed to ask, thankfully I had the guts with some prodding from the others. One girl asked where the bone went from the boner when sex was finished.

How things have changed now! I do miss the 'innocence' that came with all that discovery and how sweet and exciting it all was. Then again, we all really had no idea what was going on half the time.



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