Ivanka - Re: Fingers burnt, lesson learned
Re: Fingers burnt, lesson learned
29 Apr 2021
Posts to Date: 42
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Posted: 2021-12-17 20:49:54

My goodness gracious! This is jaw
dropping! Did this punter think that the girls woke up after midnight for free? That they got out of bed and dolled themselves up for free? , that they spent time with him for free?

They are escorts! Their time is money darling! What punter assumes that the above mentioned is for FREE?

WHAT DOEA HE THINK THE GIRLS ARE OWED?!??,?,! From his statements I'm guessing NOTHING right Nothing, absolutely nothing is for free in this life.. but this impudent punter somehow came to the conclusion that an escort's time is for free. That is rather baffling how he reached such a conclusion.

There are three sides to every story.. but the punter did admit that he was with the girls. He does mention that no fees were discussed while he was there. But rates were discussed beforehand! Just because he showed up so many hours late doesn't mean the deal has changed. If a 1L coke is r30 at 6pm it will be r30 at 00:06 unless stated otherwise

If anything his actions of making and cancelling bookings and than showing up so late is mala Fide. The fact the Charlie went and his angles went out of their way to assist him shows that their actions are bona fide.

The punter in question should stop punting because he should be banned..

People who cannot see where their are at fault and who claim to be the victim are problematic people..

Fact is. He was with the girls! Fact is they are escorts? Fact is their time is money regardless of WhT you do or don't do! So any money paid to Charlie was money earned not memory for a future booking!

Potatoejetguy - Re: Fingers burnt, lesson learned
Re: Fingers burnt, lesson learned
Basic Member
8 Mar 2021
Posts to Date: 185
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Posted: 2021-12-17 22:59:16
Edited: 2021-12-17 23:10:28

JUDGE JUDY has spoken
Don't let it consume you, you sound very emotional about this old post that you bringing up now. Let it go and be at peace.


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