Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - At the office;)
At the office;)
17 May 2018
Posts to Date: 5524
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Posted: 2022-02-10 08:05:06

Being a early riser I normally sit outside on my little patio area around 5/5.30 in mornings, having my first cup of coffee of the day. Bliss..that first cup;)

During those first hours of the morning I normally take my time to answer emails or update social media or answer whatsups, etc that came through after I switched phone to silent the previous night.

Unless I have a Pre booked "early worm" appointment, then I will answer the most important ones and skip my second cup of coffee to get ready for my appointment:)

Oh this thought of early worms, just made me think about someone that I haven't seen in a while..."Early worm" ..hope you doing

Heading inside to make a second cup of coffee and open up windows, I think, how blessed am I.? ;)

I don't need to travel to work like all these people in the cars outside in the main street. I am at my "office" already;)

I wish you all safe travels where ever you may be going, and to those heading to my office for an appointment today, I cant wait to see you

Lots to be grateful for if we just take a minute to recognise our blessings.


Claudia Gentlemens Delight
Claudia Gentlemens Delight - Re: At the office;)
Re: At the office;)
17 Jul 2013
Posts to Date: 1750
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Posted: 2022-02-10 08:18:55

Morning fellow Early Worm,

What a lovely post!
You are so right, we have so much to be grateful for... especially with not needing to travel.
We have so much autonomy over our jobs and lives.
Thank you for the reminder to be grateful for our lekker jobs.

Btw, your pictures are stunning. Happy, colourful and so sexy and free - gives me the feels, haha!

Bless you,
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: At the office;)
Re: At the office;)
17 May 2018
Posts to Date: 5526
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Posted: 2022-02-10 08:30:39

Hehehe, morning Claudi;)

Thank you for liking the photos..XXX

Hope you have an amazing day.


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