Posted: 2022-09-20 01:14:51
Hello Purple world
Hope all are well. Interesting times to be living. I am a 90s baby. I see it as a balance to understanding older times and the new times.
I took myself on a date(long overdue) to a friendly neighborhood restaurant. The was a family gathering that got my attention. Because its lovely to see families gathering outside funerals or weddings. But it quickly took a wrong turn when an elderly man addressed his granddaughter as "ma'am". By the look on her(excuse me,their) face,they were not happy. They angrily replied "I am them". With how the grandpa responded, one could tell it has been bothering him for some time too. He replied "how many of you? This generation doesn't know when someone is being polite"(mumbled I couldn't hear).
I laughed to myself and thought that gone are the days where you didn't have the right to correct your grandparents for addressing you by your sibling's name or even hold them accountable to their mistakes. Now they have to be politically correct in the presence of their own families.
Question: Is it hard to adapt to the new "grey" times? And are educating yourself to be politically correct?