Miss Barbie Doll
Miss Barbie Doll - Re: Review - Cassie (the Original) - Durban North
Re: Review - Cassie (the Original) - Durban North
16 Feb 2016
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Posted: 2024-11-23 10:04:37

On 2024-11-23 01:41:57 randalx2 said:
@Plane Breeze, 8 years and you never got the "boyfriend" trophy? I guess you're better off regardless of whether you got the application form or not. She likes em tall, bald, full of tattoes if they are heroin hobos from the intersections even better. Being involved with organized crime and the so called nommers would be a bonus to her. I've always been the odd one out / question mark.

Better to just be there for the good times and not hang around when the champagne (or in your case Tequila bottle) comes flying at you before preventing Miss "Plain 99" from jumping off a high rise window (any 'normal' guy would have panicked and bailed).

More importantly, I see you and I also got some mutual favs. Whatever happened to Ciccone ? Hope she's keeping well. She was such a sweet girl she gave me her favorite lingerie set to hand over to my (at the time) favorite girl as a sentimental birthday gift (3rd and 4th most recent pics on Cass's gallery).

Plane Breeze and Plane 99 hitting it in hard down south. I'll remain up North. I'd say take care of her but I kind of get you just there for the good you should be. And if you see Ciccone tell her I really loved the content we made together .....I still have it ;)

Maybe it's time you let it go,move on and focus on yourself.

You can't force someone to love you,and there is a lot to focus on in life.Like your mental health

Trying to ruin her business won't help you to heal for your heartbreak

Let it go and don't get attached to any lady till you are fully healed :)

Let the lady BEEEEEEEE
randalx2 - Re: Review - Cassie (the Original) - Durban North
Re: Review - Cassie (the Original) - Durban North
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14 Feb 2012
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Posted: 2024-12-05 06:40:42
Edited: 2024-12-05 07:19:58

@Miss Barbie Doll, let me clear something up---this isn't about heartbreak. Jeanine doesn't have a heart. She'd have been long gone if not for my repeated interventions. And no, I didn't start this online circus; she did. As for her business, she will be fine. I remember she HAD one of the best bodies around. Guys will pay for her despite how crazy she is. You on the other hand are pretty fat so I doubt you have the same kind of power and you probably rely on reviews. You are probably the fat chick a guy sees on a late Friday night because all the hot slim models got booked out by millionaires that weekend. But most black guys seem to like em big girls so no judging. Welcome to my gossip column I guess.

Last time Cass and I spoke (or tried), she plugged her ears like a six-year-old and screamed I was hitting her---absolute nonsense. Gentlemen, this is the girl who'll play the victim, extort you, and move on without a shred of conscience. She's already been kicked out of so many hotels and has no trouble running after a guy completely naked in the hallway. Others get a free look but you Mr Punter, have to pay.....if you only knew how she feels about men who pay her. Been there, dealt with it. I walked away and said, "Good riddance." What's left now is a hollow "Jezebel spirit" running from herself and banned from half the hotels in most of the big cities. Guess it's time to head for those dorpie towns and taste that stinky farmer wors.

Let's be real---I got played, and I'm not OK with it. Sure, it may look like sour grapes, but trust me, I couldn't care less what other punters think. Besides, I've got better girls who know how warped her mind has become. One even met her and saw firsthand---this isn't drugs; it's delusion. The mask slipped, and I saw what's behind those once-bright eyes.

Since I left, things have only gone downhill for her. Meanwhile, I'm thriving, though I'll admit I sometimes miss the coffee she made. But then I remember: sweet Jeanine is gone, replaced by this skeletal, orange-haired Jezebel spirit. @Cass how about changing your stage name to Jezebel...time to re-invent yourself. Rumor has it she's now doing heroin with hobos. "School of Hard Knocks" graduate, broke ass Brenden Meyer, her sister's boyfriend, no less---apparently has her chasing breadcrumbs. Anyone got an update on him? Free marketing here---he's a personal trainer for the streets. I only ask on Cass's behalf since she seems to ask everyone if they know him. She used to do the same for me too. Well that must be some good hobo dick coz he got both her and her sister to pay him......pimp would be a nice profession for him. She did tell me how he would put her sister at the intersections to get money from men while not bothering with a job.

Last I heard he a boiler maker (so impressive) and started a new job (yay). So why are you still escorting? I'm guessing he makes enough to take care of you right? It's not like you got the discipline for a normal job where you patiently wait for a salary a month AFTER performing services and pay your taxes. I have very little sympathy for these street hobos. I can tell you, they wind up like that because they burned bridges with friends and family. That's why they have no support system to keep them sustained while getting back on their feet. Because they betrayed the ones who cared for them. She is joining that club it seems. She was always impressed by the street life thugs. I was too refined I I had to pay, street boy taps for free (and gets my money at the end of it).

And yes, this guy was in her room, confirmed by staff at the guesthouse I paid for. While her sister was out cold on heroin, they were turning the place into a crack den. Classy, right? She then tried to publicly smear me, even insinuating I had HIV, all while doing her usual client shuffle. Hypocrisy much? I was on PrEP the entire time -- which I reiterate is for PREVENTION. And thank god for it, as I had no proof of her betrayal at the time.

Meanwhile, I'm in great shape. I just keep winning. Her life choices? Not so much. If I'm investing in you or paying you for a service (this is the first so called gf that said I short paid her and referred to me as the bf in the same breath), then I expect ROI -- Return On Investment. I got none. Instead I got lambasted by her publicly in attempt to get other women not to see me. Odd how some escorts seem to think they deserve exculisivity while still banging clients, hobos and bringing drama into your life. That Cassie stock has tanked big time on the JSE and I was the biggest investor. How much? According to my accountant it's in the 400k range over 2 years (not counting physical cash or ewallets -- I stopped the accountant at that point. I could believe how I was duped like suckers I had berated previously). She is definitely a skilled master manipulator. I'm experienced. I know stroking the client's ego is their job. This one was so good that after a time I actually thought she was sincere. Before I even realized where all the funds went.....I'm getting her signature long never-ending passionate kisses that leads to a whole night of debauchery (good times though).

Most punters are middle aged,sexually frustrated married men whose wive's just cashed in their chips and closed their legs once they "trapped" the poor guy. This is called "Securing the Bag" in gold digger circles. So that type of guy getting seemingly genuine kisses from Jeanine will be blown away from the first minute. Took her some practice to break me and she almost did. I'm still standing. She prefers old white men as clients for a reason. Easiest to emotionally manipulate especially if you are a caring and affectionate person. She sees that as weakness by the way. She can fake it like the best and give it to even the ugliest guy as long as he pays the price. But hey, you are there for a good time not a long time so enjoy the delusion you are paying for. Just look out when she sends you texts referring to you as "Baby" and getting sympathy coz of a bad situation she is in. That is how it starts. Bad guys have and edge here coz they don't care. They want to have sex with a heartless Jezebel. Most escorts don't behave in that manner as it's reserved for the boyfriends. She been in the game for 10 years and has mastered her strategies. But father time is not kind especially to women like her.

Chase after money but never keep it. And keep betraying the people who did not offer you just sweet words but action. @Cass you said that money does not count, well it's the reason you are puzzling right now. Money represents ACTION not sweet nothings. Without it we can't do shit. It was me confirming that I believed in you and invested in you. Now I know why you chose to run away and keep your fingers in your ears. I'm sure those street people are all about sweet nothings and no-action. Did you not say you could start a business in a day? Congrats on finally accepting your true calling in life. You are the best, take it from me.

Turns out whatever I got, a heroin hobo got at my expense. And I also got accused of a virus he is quite possibly carrying. Among drug users, heroin users contract HIV the most due to sharing needles. Not so easy to catch through sex but she was in fact banging him and is constantly looking for him. Then there those Nommers rumours. Then the hot young ex convict (fresh out of jail and his sphincter won't be same) hobo in JHB that would beat her up. She likes the rough dominating kind of sex by the way.

Oh, and @Cass, telling people I'm some "short Indian guy forcing girls to do cocaine"? Bold. Didn't you also brag to my friend about scamming men and teaching others to "play the game"? You said the best prospects are the old married white men in Cape Town. You think that sex cancels out everything I did for you (spent more time fighting with me instead f***ing to be honest)---housing, food, saving your life, avoid jail time? Spoiler: it doesn't. In retrospect I should have bailed long ago. You would have probably served your time and come out a better person by now. But I enabled your childish bad behavior. You going to find out, that the hottest girls in the industry know me. And they while they may entertain you out of sympathy, your crazy behavior outs you eventually. You actually went and got me more girls.

For the life of me, I have no idea why you told me that you "Hate" your job. You are without a doubt the most skilled manipulator I've seen. If you break it down, GFE is manipulation. She is making you believe what you want to believe and turn off like a switch. Dammit you should get an award. This job was meant for you, it was your destiny to scam men and suck them off resources. But you can only do it for so long. One day the party will stop and then what?

But hey, keep rocking that orange, curly "heroin chic" look at 45. It's a bold strategy, Cotton---let's see if it pays off. Meanwhile, I'll keep winning and living rent-free in your head. If you want to make amends, fine, but at least try looking like the woman I remember.

So I and even martin was just a game to you? You laugh about men that were there during good times and bad. Let me show you how to play the game. Now that I know it's all for sport to you.

Don't be surprised, I may have you on your knees in cuffs and a collar calling me "Master"....but not today. Not yet. But that clock is ticking.
Plod1975 - Re: Review - Cassie (the Original) - Durban North
Re: Review - Cassie (the Original) - Durban North
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22 Sep 2018
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Posted: 2024-12-05 07:18:36

On 2024-12-05 06:40:42 randalx2 said:
Been there, dealt with it. I walked away and said, "Good riddance."

It's evident that you have not dealt with it or walked away randalx2.

We get what you say. Think it's time you quit this. But all the same, good luck to you with your future happiness.
randalx2 - Re: Review - Cassie (the Original) - Durban North
Re: Review - Cassie (the Original) - Durban North
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14 Feb 2012
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Posted: 2024-12-05 07:30:04
Edited: 2024-12-05 07:59:28

Sorry I won't quit. I can play this game forever. And I'm doing great. I did walk away quietly initially. But she made the worst mistake of her life when she tried to accuse me of HIV and forcing girls to do drugs. I'm always going to be in this Jezebel's head. She will hear my voice during her psychosis bouts.

To be fair, I was rather bored this morning. Hope my stories entertain and educate at least. Having my say on here priceless. I guess I got some ROI after all.

When we walk away, types like her get away and will never change. The country is corrupt and the law enforcement even worse. The forum admins have absolved themselves of any legal risks. Some wg could drug and kill you. All of this we do at our own risk.

In a similar manner, when Cass here chooses to make a game out of men, it's done at her own risk. Time to accept accountability.

She knows what she has to do. I'm done being Mr Nice Guy

What was that saying..."Evil triumphs when good men do nothing..."
Diktril86 - Re: Review - Cassie (the Original) - Durban North
Re: Review - Cassie (the Original) - Durban North
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15 Mar 2024
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Posted: 2024-12-05 08:45:30

"You on the other hand are pretty fat so I doubt you have the same kind of power and you probably rely on reviews. You are probably the fat chick a guy sees on a late Friday night because all the hot slim models got booked out by millionaires that weekend. But most black guys seem to like em big girls so no judging"

How can we take you seriously when jou make a primary school comment like this? You sound just like a pussy whooped simp that got burned by his "girlfriend". You need help, and fast...
randalx2 - Re: Review - Cassie (the Original) - Durban North
Re: Review - Cassie (the Original) - Durban North
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14 Feb 2012
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Posted: 2024-12-09 13:26:45
Edited: 2024-12-09 13:34:16

@Diktril86, you might want to brush up on the definition of a "simp": Urban Dictionary. Ironically, you're queuing up for my ex, who's changed a lot since I left. Things went downhill---she even shaved her head. Hopefully, Cape Town has decent wigs, though Brenden probably can't afford the good ones.

I get it---you didn't appreciate my comment. Clearly, you're a "mature" man who believes every sob story without humor. But let me be clear: I have evidence to back up everything I say, corroborated by hotels and law enforcement. My ex is unpredictable and manipulative, capable of extortion or worse---like framing someone for assault. Want to see proof?

She views clients as a game and has made it her mission to find her next victim, likely an elderly foreigner to exploit. Even her old friends agree there's nothing left behind her eyes. But go ahead, see for yourself. When she's riding high, she's charming; when she's crashing, she'll push you away without a care.

Oh, and that profile? I kept it alive. She couldn't even write her own bio---she reused words and kept them. Maybe @Cass can share pics of her and her "heroine hobo"? I still have plenty of receipts if needed. Betraying her sister by hooking up with her boyfriend seems to be her idea of a good time.

Some women attack clients publicly, expecting silence in return. Big surprise---I'm not one of those. I'll return the favor tenfold. Good luck chasing the chaos.

I appreciate your offer for help but really I am a productive member of society. Please pay Cass's psychiatrist bills instead. That was going to be the next step before she admitted that clients are fools to her. If you only knew. But a SIMP LORD won't change. Chicks don't get attracted to guys that cater to them eh. Trust me. Even now, some part of her is liking this jerk I am pretending to be.

I have no intention of ever taking her back. But she still has some uses.

By the way @@Diktril86, you got around 108 posts on a hooker forum in the span of one year? Compared to my 10 plus years? Here's some advice son, stop typing and start tapping. Use it or lose it. She can help you out....if you willing to risk it.


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