Posted: 2015-10-29 13:25:21
Lets make this real geeky then :)
1. The top 10 esa is the reflection of a survey submitted by gold members on the esa website.
Is the sample representative of the opinion of the punting community?
Many punters actually do not post reviews and you will find that the reviewers are often the same people. That generally narrows down the value of the sampling.
2. Andiwant, you admit having "only" visited older ladies. I'll presume that you actually meant "predominantly". But the bottom line, is that if you havent consistantly sampled along the age range, your anecdotal evidence adds little to the study, lol
3. In terms of respondants, and sampling profile, it would be interesting to know what age and experience the gold members voting on the top 10 are. I assume they are themselves on the older side of the age range and this would therefore skew the results.
4. If hypothesis 3 is confirmed then we could have a case of non-response bias and would have to dismiss marcus's conclusions
Lol... sorry guys, just got carried away :)