69joe69 - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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29 May 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-14 11:28:42

OK so my take on all this. Yes economy gone to shit and punters have obviously have less money to spend.

Remember you can't drive a ferrari for a price of a Mazda.

If you want High class service you have to pay for it. I punt less but I still pay higher and tip if the service was above great. I rather punt less but get a good service when I do punt.

Upper class service=upper class ladies=upper class price

Just my 2c worth
FMS - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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11 Jan 2016
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Posted: 2024-09-14 11:30:08

Getting back to where this thread started it is very true that the population of RSA is suffering due to:

High interest rates
High unemployment.
Horrific labour policies.
High inflation(4.5% yeah..right)
Rental increases of between 7% and 12% per annum.
High petrol price
Eskom wants a 40% increase.

There is very little that the average consumer can do to release the financial pressure that they are under other than to cut back on luxuries.

So, the punters have less disposable income to enjoy the few luxuries that they can.

This is where creative marketing needs to step in.

Ladies, what can you do to make your advert stand out?

To make punters want to see you as opposed to your opposition?

It is not necessarily only about cost.

Punters look for "bang" for their buck.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-14 11:33:31

On 2024-09-14 11:05:53 FMS said:
In all of that, considering the attorney then has to possibly appoint an advocate for certain cases to be represented in the higher courts....does "winning" play any role in choice of attorney and advocate appointed?


"Winning" is obviously the objective. As it is in all aspects of life.

However there are numerous ways to "win" in the legal world.
Stalingrad tactics, while costly, are effective and often cause the plaintiff to forget about the matter.

Negotiating a settlement or arbitration is often quick and relatively cheap, certainly cheaper than going to trial.

With regards to advocates the right attorney for the matter will know the right advocate for the matter.
And certain advocates also do pro-bono or pro-amico work if they believe it is in the interests of justice.

Not all legal professionals are only out to make a quick buck.

....and thus in this context...

Not ALL working girls are out to make a quick buck.

Pro "boner" would be unfair to expect but, I have a feeling choose the right SP and get your monies worth

Be it R600

AND even more.

JackParrow69 - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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3 Jun 2021
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Posted: 2024-09-14 11:52:09

On 2024-09-13 20:22:05 Rachel said:
On 2024-08-02 20:35:21

...And just one more funny thing I wanted to point out, wrt the poster who commented saying that they even haggle with their lawyers over pricing, my god man what are you saying here?! I just had to catch a giggle at that one, I cant think of a better way to make even your own lawyer hate you. But boy do I want to see your divorce agreement - must be an all out laugh riot!! Lol.

Service isn't expensive but stupidity is very expensive!

I believe you were talking about my comment. If you must know I paid a lawyer R0 for my divorce, I used her lawyer actually. Also I paid her R0 and am paying her R0 even though I earned 4 times her salary at time of divorce and our kids expenses are 50/50 paid directly to whoever needs to be paid.

Let that sink in for a moment. I used her lawyer and paid nothing. I earn 4 times her salary and pay her nothing. So if you where trying to prove a point or sat paying more will get you more, jokes on you.

And just to add to that, in other instances I've used lawyers and negotiated to 25% of their fees. They got the job done, hell they got a years business at that price and we're even friends now so I know who I'm calling first should I need it. Even when something was not their speciality, they got their friends/colleagues who specialized in it to handle it at the same rate.

Keep laughing though. From all the other bullshit you posted we can see you're terrible at business. You literally don't do all the things every single successful multi-billion company has done to get there and do everything they don't do. Common successful business practices that have been successful for centuries are things you want to do the opposite off, good luck to you honey. You need it.

styffrichard - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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20 Feb 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-16 08:41:03

I think what all those with vested interests who say "don't negotiate" are forgetting is two important moving parts: 1) emigration means that many with lots of money are leaving so essentially the population is getting poorer 2) there is competition from new angles like online sites where students can place ads stating they are looking for an "arrangement". There is your serious competition - some 22 years old "flower-girl" art student is quite appealing
Need4Passion - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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8 Jan 2014
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Posted: 2024-09-16 09:30:49

On 2024-09-16 08:41:03 styffrichard said:

2) there is competition from new angles like online sites where students can place ads stating they are looking for an "arrangement". There is your serious competition - some 22 years old "flower-girl" art student is quite appealing

Spot on about this one. I already know many of the top punters venturing into this game. It seems very rewarding.

There many sites that they place ads or see ads which results in some hits and now they're even using the dating appsnand they're finding young hot girls that are happy to spend to while night or day for around R1,200 but there's aslo a lot of chicks thst are just happy to be taken out to a movie or drinks and stay over without any direct payments. It's even gone into the sharing space now where if you you can't meet a chick or she's not your cup of tea, you send another punter along and he has a good time with her or some just open up to the idea afterwards on meeting "more of your friends" since they can make more.

I didn't even think of it as competition to punting until you mentioned it now, it was just sometimes else the guys are doingto find younger hotter more agreeable ladies with less drama. But now that you mention it, you are correct. It is competition but these are all punters that would have otherwise been punting but are now diverting the same time and a fraction of the spend to pretty much the same service but instead of an hour, it's like an all night, all day, or all weekend booking with easier availability.

therodent - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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29 Jul 2014
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Posted: 2024-09-16 14:35:34

He is 100% correct. Why you call it BS?

On 2024-08-04 22:16:40 J_J said:
Sorry N4P but most of what you said in your last paragraph is a load of BS


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