Hazel Arabia
Hazel Arabia - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
2 Jun 2022
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Posted: 2024-09-07 18:29:48

On 2024-09-07 14:25:27 J_J said:

When it comes to acceptable language. As a society we settled on the following words as not being acceptable for public use: Kafir, Nigger and Charo (not sure about the spelling and there may be a few more, but these are the common ones). Every thing else is fair game.

I'm certain there are more than those 3 words. Perhaps if race is the only point from which you perceive oppression - though in itself that should indicate to you all the ways in which you simultaneously experience privilege.

A lack of vulnerabilities makes us, at least to some degree, ignorant to those of others.
SilentBanger - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
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8 Jun 2014
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Posted: 2024-09-07 18:46:51

How about the word "Bomboclat" which is considered a cuss (curse) or swear word. Many people use it when they're extremely frustrated, stressed or more. It's a Jamaican word by the way.
J_J - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-07 19:03:34

On 2024-09-07 15:29:54 Russian Bridgitte said:

Do you think it is an ego thing?

You taking me on another path RB ...

In line with SF style, let's start with a definition. What is an ego?

"The part of a person's mind that tries to match the hidden desires (= wishes) of the identity (= part of the unconscious mind) with the demands of the real world. "

Our Ego is our safe space. Fights generally occur when someone's ego is threatened, i.e., they begin to feel insecure, so they go on the offensive to restore. We see it all over this forum, you and me included RB, and in all of human engagements ... EGOs butting heads.

When it comes to EGO, the first thing we need to realize is that it's a false identity. It's not real. Its just lies we tell ourselves to feel safe. Like 'I sell my body but I'm not a hooker, I'm a high end escort', 'Or I don't sell it on the streets so I'm better'. Or the guy that buys, 'I paid R3000 an hour so it's better than the guy who paid R100'. We see this price linked EGO so so much, justifying ourselves by the price of the deed.

When you fully realize that your Ego is nothing more than lies you tell yourself to justify your existence, you can then stop defending it (or at least stop reacting negatively when it's offended).

Accept that you are "nothing" -- oh the ego doesn't like that. The ego says I own 5 businesses and look after my family. What does that even mean? Nothing. (Sorry Mr. PB, just using your example, I do think you are a good person and can handle me using your comment as an example).

It's best to be an empty vessel that can receive whatever comes your way and discharge of it whatever way you please. We tend to fill ourselves up with fake beliefs, and yes it's a survival technique to deal with the shit we go through daily. But a full vessel has no space to take on new things. You have to let go of your shit to get new shit. Just like shit goes in the mouth (often a dead carcass) and out the arse, life sustaining nourishment is absorbed through that process. Imagine you kept that dead carcass in your body and it became all cancerous. That's what happens when you hold onto your ego. You miss life and you become sick.

Egos can be altered and shaped or just left at home in a closet.

Every time SF get your blood boiling and you want to klap him, first ask yourself; why am I feeling so threatened so much that my very primal flight / fright responses are being activated.

Then deal with yourself. Your Ego is blocking you and causing turmoil. You have control over your own, not someone else. Hopefully they will evolve too, but that's not your responsibility. Your responsibility is about what you bring to the table.

So dear RB. On your question may I ask. Is your success determined by you and could it be your own ego getting in the way? I do love you dearly. That's why I ask. Let go and be that powerful life force that exists inside of you.


Maybe our Hindi members can help me ...

Been searching but can't find this quote ...

Something about our Beings being nameless and only when we embrace our nothingness can we truly be free and servants of the greater good.

And whether that great good is to yank cock or build hospitals, its all the same/ equal - when you don't attach an ego to it.

J_J - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-07 19:10:09

On 2024-09-07 18:29:48 Hazel Arabia said:

I'm certain there are more than those 3 words. Perhaps if race is the only point from which you perceive oppression - though in itself that should indicate to you all the ways in which you simultaneously experience privilege.

Thank you Hazel; this is a very insightful response and helps me re-think everything I just said on the topic; and the liberties I've taken today.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-07 20:34:18
Edited: 2024-09-07 20:34:57

"....So dear RB. On your question may I ask. Is your success determined by you and could it be your own ego getting in the way? I do love you dearly. That's why I ask. Let go and be that powerful life force that exists inside of you."

Aaah my dear J_J

If my ego was too big for my own good I would not always be in the firing line

Holding a mirror up and asking...

How much more hypocritical can all of us be?

Is it possible u have missed the philosophy behind my questions on the forum?..the ever posing of questions leaving the reader to decide for oneself what the answer may be?

And thus...

To let go of what ?

Engaging many in a conversation worthy of pondering without being the focus or the topic at hand?

Success.....mmm..a fickle thing if one knows not ones own limitations or understand ones strengths and mainly weaknesses.

I like my weaknesses.

Do u like yours?

Adoring you back more than u could ever adore me.



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