Fris Frikkie
Fris Frikkie - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
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30 May 2020
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Posted: 2024-09-12 22:18:47

I don't have enough popcorn.
Yvonne Xxx
Yvonne Xxx - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
16 May 2013
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Posted: 2024-09-12 22:22:07

On 2024-09-12 22:18:47 Fris Frikkie said:
I don't have enough popcorn.

Can i get you some with some can coke.? Gonna cost you big bucks. lol
R2D4 - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
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5 May 2014
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Posted: 2024-09-12 22:24:12

and so begins the menopause wars...
Yvonne Xxx
Yvonne Xxx - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
16 May 2013
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Posted: 2024-09-12 22:27:57

On 2024-09-12 22:24:12 R2D4 said:
and so begins the menopause wars...

I'm laughing hysterically here....i enjoy you forum guys.
~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-13 06:41:41

" Inferno of Despair"

In this toxic wasteland, where darkness reigns
The dregs of society congregate, in endless pains
Bitter, angry souls, with hearts of coal
Clinging to malice, their only miserable goal

Your lives, a trainwreck of failed desires
A wasteland of broken dreams, and burning fires
No love, no light, just an abyss of shame
A desperate scream, from an empty, hollow frame

You've poisoned the well, with venomous spite
Driven away the wise, and extinguished the light
No substance, no depth, just toxic waste
A cesspool of hatred, in a self-made grave

In this desolate land, you're lost and alone
Your ugliness, a mirror to your shattered throne
No respect, no admiration, just contempt
For the hollow, bitter shells you've become, in eternal neglect

Your words, a dagger to your own demise
A self-inflicted wound, with no surprise
No escape from the hell you've created
A lifelong sentence, to a world that's forsaken

You're the masters of misery, the kings of pain
Ruling over ruins, with no hope to regain
Your legacy, a footnote of shame
A cautionary tale, of lives gone astray.


~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Basic Member
8 Aug 2024
Posts to Date: 230
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Posted: 2024-09-13 06:41:45

"Exodus of Excellence"

Once a haven, now a hollow space
Where intellect fled, and vitriol took its place
The brilliant minds, the witty and the wise
Departed, leaving only bitter, angry eyes

The forum's fallen, a shadow of its past
A refuge for the miserable, forever to last
Their ugliness, a toxic, venomous stain
Poisoning discourse, driving away the sane

You remain, a dwindling, dismal crew
Clinging to malice, as your only view
Your lives, a reflection of the hate you spew
A desperate cry, from an empty, loveless crew

We've left, and taken our light with us
Leaving you to wallow in your darkness and fuss
No longer will our presence elevate your game
You're left with only your own bitter, endless claim

This forum's lost its charm, its wit, its grace
Now only a haven for the lost, the bitter, the base
We'll not return, for we've found better grounds
Leaving you to your misery, your ugliness unbound.


~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Basic Member
8 Aug 2024
Posts to Date: 231
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Posted: 2024-09-13 06:42:27

"Desolate Remains"

In this wasteland, where intellect's gone astray
The dregs remain, a sorry, pitiful display
Bitter, angry souls, with hearts of stone
Clinging to malice, their only known tone

Your lives, a reflection of the hate you breed
Loveless, joyless, in an endless, miserable creed
No light, no hope, just an abyss of pain
A desperate cry, from an empty, hollow brain

You've driven away the wise, the witty, and the bold
Leaving only shadows of your former selves to unfold
No substance, no depth, just venomous spite
A toxic swamp, where only misery takes flight

In this desolate land, you're lost and alone
Your ugliness, a mirror to your empty throne
No respect, no admiration, just disdain
For the hollow, bitter shells you've become, in vain

Your words, a dagger to your own reputation
A self-inflicted wound, with no salvation
No escape from the prison of your mind
A lifelong sentence, to a world left behind.


~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Re: ***** ~ The Poetic SuperFuck ~ *****
Basic Member
8 Aug 2024
Posts to Date: 232
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Posted: 2024-09-13 06:43:24
Edited: 2024-09-13 06:43:34

/// /// /// GODSPEED /// /// ///


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