Posted: 2017-04-06 16:09:31
And who do we have to thank,no,not Boland, Boland bank......rather
- thank you ANC womans League
- thank you ANC veterans society
- thank you dishounorable govt ministers
- thank you ANC voters...without you'all the below could not have been made possible.
Downgrade to junk status
150 Billion loss on stock exchange to date
Wide scale retrenchments (coming soon)
Increased unemployment rate of ANC supporters means further upping the crime stats.
Thank you one and all for taking this beautiful country and finally, bringing it and its citizens to its knees. We are now a truly 3rd world country.
But still we shall blame minority groups for having too much percieved wealth, we shall continue to blame and seek fault where it does not lie because the first citizen told us too...of course to redirect blame from himself naturally.
When the ANC supporters come looking for handouts from now on I shall direct them to the man himself and the 15 billion he is estimated to have stashed away, Nkandla...Nkaaaaannnnnnndddddddllllllaaaaaaa. !!! included.