Tappa Lot
Tappa Lot - Re: Just a Question!!!
Re: Just a Question!!!
Gold Member
14 Feb 2013
Posts to Date: 196
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Posted: 2017-04-12 23:44:45

I guess it's all about the level of satisfaction achieved in conjunctiin with one's state of mind. I find myself rather energised after a couple of hours of good sex. All the pleasantly released hormones create a need for and receiving!
Kimmylee - Re: Just a Question!!!
Re: Just a Question!!!
14 May 2014
Posts to Date: 570
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Posted: 2017-04-22 15:17:44
Edited: 2017-04-22 15:19:07

On 2017-04-12 17:57:08 robbycolonel said:
They suck your energy into themselves.

Sometimes I let you suck out my energy. Then we're even!

Put more effort to balance it all out. Connect even if it is just for those few minutes spent.

Communication (body language) in silence on a personal note and in my experiences helps to minimise anxieties too.
[deleted] - Re: Just a Question!!!
Re: Just a Question!!!
Less than 10 posts
Posted: 2017-04-22 15:20:24

Probably because you didnt give her the good fuck of her life to make her legs shake
[deleted] - Re: Just a Question!!!
Re: Just a Question!!!
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-04-22 22:27:23

Natuur se manier om die menslike voortplanting aan die gang te hou het die manlike spesie kwaai getref, shame! It takes so little to make us horny, simply because the stupid sperms keeps developing and wanting out!

So, in reality, we're not drained after sex. We are satisfied in a 'thank goodness I finally got sex' kind of way. At that moment, we just chill. But, those stupid sperms quickly find their way to bug their poor owner to free them again.

Oh damn... Does any one know, at what age would I stop getting this horny? Kinda "draining" to find sex all the time!


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