Shenanigans - Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Basic Member
25 May 2016
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Posted: 2017-04-22 09:16:32
Edited: 2017-04-22 09:18:58

Phew, so I'm normal then. I'm not talking about eyes wide open and staring. On TV their eyes are always closed, so had me wondering.

For me it's a combination of 2 things:

1. I'm a visual person. When you have a beautiful woman up close and personal it's all the more opportunity to really look at her and take her in. The eye contact when she opens her eyes fleetingly enhances the sensuality of the experience.

2. To a lesser extent, eyes permanently closed makes me feel way too vulnerable.

@ i never learn: missed you on here man. I guess you never do...

"upper persuasion of a lower invasion" - LOL, love that!
Kimmylee - Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
14 May 2014
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Posted: 2017-04-22 13:46:44

On 2017-04-22 09:16:32 Shenanigans said:
Phew, so I'm normal then.

1. I'm a visual person. When you have a beautiful woman up close and personal it's all the more opportunity to really look at her and take her in. The eye contact when she opens her eyes fleetingly enhances the sensuality of the experience.

Now that's what I'm talking about. Now you got my nana tingling sweetheart.
Lalaa No.1
Lalaa No.1 - Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
1 Jul 2016
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Posted: 2017-04-22 19:51:58

I like kissing with my eyes closed...... It is so erotic........ And it turns me on in few seconds..... Yummy!
Miss Barbie Doll
Miss Barbie Doll - Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
16 Feb 2016
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Posted: 2017-04-22 20:17:23

On 2017-04-22 19:51:58 Lalaa No.1 said:
I like kissing with my eyes closed...... It is so erotic........ And it turns me on in few seconds..... Yummy!

Mmmmmm so you had your eyes closed oh lalalaaaaaaa
Lalaa No.1
Lalaa No.1 - Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
1 Jul 2016
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Posted: 2017-04-22 20:37:02

In lalaa land we close our eyes... And we let the sensual touch work the magic.... . !

Yes my eyes were closed.
Dammmmmmmmm..... Hot stuff.... Wet stuff......!
Miss Barbie Doll
Miss Barbie Doll - Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
16 Feb 2016
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Posted: 2017-04-22 21:07:35

Mmmmmmmm no comments,see you next week bad bitch.

[deleted] - Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-04-22 23:24:40

Mr Shenanigans

Glad you liked.


Michael du Toit

Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2017-04-23 06:46:13

I close my eyes and lose myself in the moment. When my eyes are closed I zone out everything around me and totally get lost in the kiss.
Super A
Super A - Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Gold Member
24 Jan 2016
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Posted: 2017-04-23 07:21:48
Edited: 2017-04-23 07:24:49

I've found that "older" women tend to kiss with eyes open (I can't confirm if this also applies to men, lol!) Kissing with eyes closed, gives all the other senses a moment to play - smell and touch.

When she's so close that you can pick up her feminine aromas, so close that you can feel her warmth, and every contour of her curves - that's a kiss.
[deleted] - Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
Re: Kissing - eyes open or closed?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-04-23 08:45:17

Hell of subjective topic this and really interesting to read other people's views (or non-views with those who enjoy eyes shut).

Personally it is a mixture of both. I enjoy the occasional slight opening of eyes when kissing to take in the enjoyment level of the other person and enjoy the fleeting meeting of looks before we both close our lids again. With eyes closed then I feel the other senses are stronger - the ears get better attuned to hearing the tiny mews and the deep growls of enjoyment; when moving your lips to those erogenous areas - the neck, the ears, forehead, cheeks, wherever else you may find on your journey - you can feel her quivering, her stiffening, her clenching, the squirming that arousal brings to those areas. Then when you get to the next set of lips the sense of smell and taste come to the fore as her womanhood expresses the results of your kissing. And then to open your eyes again whilst continuing your lip service and glancing into her joy filled eyes,
which can be rolling around in a frenzied orbit. So a combination of both open and shut is the case for me.

Eish now to find a girl to kiss!!


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