Posted: 2017-04-25 15:10:00
Hey Vorion, I reckon your teeth are fairly safe re the finishing on her breasts question. This is a super common practice in and out of this industry... and besides, body shots are always fun. No harm in asking, odds are pretty high she'll have no problem with that one.
As for the filming though....
I certainly can't speak for all girls, but I really don't know many (any??) personally who would EVER be okay with this. It's risky on all kinds of levels, because once you have that footage, it's completely out of her hands and yours to do whatever you want with. How can she know it's okay to trust you? Even with the 'no face' rule, any tattoos or scars unique to her will be visible on film. This means any friend or family member who's ever seen her in a bikini at a Sunday braai would be able to identify her.
Low risk is still risk. And that kind of risk is TERRIFYING!!
Good luck though hey!