On 2017-05-08 10:15:54 Meg said:
I understand that you the client aren't obligated to keep to your word/ appointments....
Now in my books that already says a lot about you as a person.
But if you go through life not keeping your word then what kind of person are you really?
NOT a very reliable PUNTER I would say.
Not a trustworthy person and going through life disrespecting other people's time.
Lets put the shoe on your foot...
Ladies this is what really happens....
He looks at say 5 profiles/.
And save a few numbers just by chance and choose one that's closest to his destination.
He make a appointment with you.
Or the one that answers the call first.
In the meantime He phoned about 3 other ladies....making bookings with one or two of them( I'm not generalizing)
Now his doing budget punting..... to see who is the cheapest or available first.
Now he can't remember any details when he wants to setup a time and you need to repeat yourself like a parrot....
And can you believe it.... somewhere down the time he should arrive he gets lost hmmm.....
In the meantime you missed out on a lot of clients that would love to spend some time with you...
You clients already about 30 minutes into your booking time...
No wonder some ladies keeps on waiting like fools because meneer se dipstick is al lankal besig om geservice te word.
That's why some ladies does dubbel book!
Now ME keeping to my word I know I've set a time and ILL stick to it!
That's called intregiteit, good manners and respect for fellow human beings.
That's how I've been brought up!
Don't look down on anyone of us ladies.
Our work doesn't define us or make us less important then YOU.. to us this is a job.
It's important to us!
It's our only income that provides for our families.
I don't judge you by the work you do....(ps I'm just thankful that you make enough to spend some time with me ;-) ).
If you want respect it's a 2 way street... don't expect it if you not giving it!
On 2017-05-08 09:46:37 Sibyl said:
Adult website's tend to attract wankers and I mean that in a literal sense.
When I advertised on holistic websites only, every single person who made an appointment, pitched up. Not a single no show.
When I then decided to place an advert on another adult website (before advertising on Esa again), this is what happened:
1. A client who met me on the holistic website and who was a very good regular client who booked at least once a month for more than 3 years, called me on that advert, not realizing that it was me. He was utterly disrespectful on the phone, talked to me like I was a piece of shit and did not book, as I did not offer what he wanted. I was shocked, as I knew him as a very respectful gentleman when he used to book me monthly.
2. Everyday I would get clients making appointments and not pitching up - no apologies, no sms to cancel.
This proved to me that the mindset of some men change, when they see a woman on an adult website. It is as if they feel that if a woman advertises on an adult website, that she is undeserving of respect and common courtesy. And let's face it, that is what no shows boils down to - utter disrespect for women in the adult industry.
Anyway, when I started advertising on Esa again, the now show nonsense started again, until I changed my profile text, now the wankers give me a miss.
On 2017-05-08 12:33:44 Orpheus said:
Like I mentioned earlier. this is the highly volatile illegal sex industry. Things like this are bound to happen. The perils of punting I say.
On 2017-05-08 15:51:19 Meg said:
sorry repeated myself