On 2017-05-10 13:27:21 naver said:
Ok so it is mostly Indians that don't pitch. Got it, thanks for clearing that up. Lenasia is very big, a lot of non- Indians (see what I did there) don't know that. I don't care how big your farm is/was, I said small holding. My dick size was never a point of discussion/debate.
For those who do care, Charra, Charou, charratjie is racist, but given the quality of this forum, no offence taken.
Not all Indians like to bargain for a better price, like not all black people like to eat chicken, and not all white people like to drive Ford bakkies. Again, quality of the forum.
Al hoewel n aap n ring dra.........
On 2017-05-10 15:45:30 Veronica Franco said:
On 2017-05-10 15:36:12 Sibyl said: On 2017-05-10 15:30:04 Veronica Franco said:
Afro gents are the least problematic to be honest!
Totally agree with you Veronica, they are an absolute pleasure to have as clients and never mess me around, ALWAYS pitch up for appointments, ditto for Colored clients.
Yup, it's mostly white and Indian clients that take us for granted, probably because most races in terms of ladies (not all) are open to them thinking that they are the safest choices so they get a 'spoilt for choice'/'spoilt brat' mentality where they take the ladies for granted. This of coarse is a broad generalisation and what 'I' recon goes on in their minds, but I could be wrong, lol.
On 2017-05-10 15:49:57 Veronica Franco said:
Lmao, whites drive Ford Cortinas Fboy....or Bantam Bakkies like Chuck Norris, he he.
On 2017-05-10 15:59:11 Fboy said:
On 2017-05-10 15:49:57 Veronica Franco said:
Lmao, whites drive Ford Cortinas Fboy....or Bantam Bakkies like Chuck Norris, he he. No Veronica. Haven't you heard. The only car that can hold Chuck Norris is a white 1987 Nissan 1400 bakkie hahaha