On 2017-05-16 12:10:10 fduck said:
Traditional african clothing .....you mean naked with a grass skirt?
On 2017-05-16 17:45:14 Dayday69 said:
On 2017-05-16 12:10:10 fduck said: Traditional african clothing .....you mean naked with a grass skirt?
Kinda curious where this comes from...sheer ignorance or just being a dumbass? Wanna see the ultimate in sexy southern african beauties in traditional garb? Youtube Swazi Reed Dance...and they aint wearing grass skirts! One of the most amazing sights you'll ever see!
On 2017-05-16 17:26:50 Franco 44 said:
And Miss V would come dressed as a spartan in her bronze armour, bow, sword, shield and helmet.....
might get a tad noisy running around shouting ' SPAAAAAAARTAAAAA' at the top of her lungs though.